Promoting Official Statistics through Statistical Literacy Products


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting Official Statistics through Statistical Literacy Products María J. Vinuesa INE-Spain 27-06-2018 15

Promoting Official Statistics through Statistical Literacy Products 1.- Context 2.- DIGICOM 3.- European Statistics Competition 4.- Benefits of the ESC 5.- Conclusion 30/10/2014

Context VISION 2020 Contexto VISION 2020 Situation: Alternative sources and other data providers Fake news

Context VISION 2020 Contexto VISION 2020 Objective: Modernising communication and dissemination of European statistics Improving promotion of official statistics DIGICOM

DIGICOM Project Objectives: Upgrading statistical products: innovative and shareable ESS products and services Review of shareable good practices in member states and more advanced non-EU member countries Systematic dialogue with users

Who are working on DIGICOM Project Eurostat 18 National Statistical Institutes 50 experts (collaborative networks exchanging practices). Around 50 colleagues from 18 national statistical institutes (NSIs) have volunteered to become involved in the project's implementation, which is intended to benefit the ESS as a whole. Beyond the NSIs' considerable participation in the project's activities, enhancing their capacity to innovate, outputs and deliverables are expected to be of high interest to the ESS since reusable solutions are given priority.

WP4 DIGICOM Project Contexto VISION 2020 One of its objectives: Improving Statistical Literacy Inventory on Statistical Literacy (grid) Study visits Educational websites Fairs Seminars to teachers Games Statistical competition (Spain, Poland, Italy..)

European Statistic competition (ESC) Digicom WP4 European Statistic competition (ESC) It is an award competition in statistics, which aims to: promote curiosity and interest in statistics encourage teachers in the use of new materials (by promoting the use of real data) show the role of statistics in various aspects of society based on a successful practice conducted by INE-Spain. organized by Eurostat and volunteering NSIs

11 countries Around 11200 students 1200 teachers!! Around 3150 teams ESC 2018: some figures 11 countries Around 11200 students 1200 teachers!! Around 3150 teams

Digicom WP4 European Statistic competition

European Statistic competition Digicom WP4 European Statistic competition Aimed at teenagers (14 to 18 years) Two categories depending on the age group: last two years of compulsory education (14 – 16) last two years of high school (16 – 18)

European Statistic competition Digicom WP4 European Statistic competition 2 parts: the national competition (local language) the European final (English) The 6 finalist teams of the national competition of each country will take part in the European final (63)

European Phase Assignment: Video: Why are official statistics important in our society? 2:00 min maximum preferably in English

ESC promotion Set up websites Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

ESC promotion Press releases emails to all schools and teacher associations in the country introducing the competition at school visits and courses organized for teachers Partnerships Emails to the staff Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

ESC promotion extensive use of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

ESC promotion Printed posters and flyers Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

ESC promotion Making promotional videos Fairs Engaging public figures who use statistics in their daily work ( project ambassadors) Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

PROMOTE OFFICIAL STATISTICS ESC promotion Many of the actions to promote the ESC and many of the own activities of the ESC PROMOTE OFFICIAL STATISTICS Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

Benefits of the ESC Partnerships with associations and ministries as they are strong and well-known institutions, the general public know us through them and trust us Example: Greece and France and their Ministry of Education

Benefits of the ESC Use of our data Students and teachers start to know our websites, our products… - They had to search for information - Use Men and women in Europe publication

Benefits of the ESC Contact with teachers (1200) They are really important!! - point of contact in schools - spread the information

Benefits of the ESC increase the visibility of OS 63 Videos “Why are official statistics important in our society? “ promoting OS in Social Media NSI websites Twitter Instagram Facebook Youtube increase the visibility of OS

Benefits of the ESC Internal promotion Benefits: staff involve themselves and their families talking about the ESC to relatives Example: Slovenia, Poland, Spain (bookmark at Christmas time)

Benefits of the ESC Target group Benefits: they were “potential users”, but in the future they will be users or even respondents…

Benefits of the ESC High-level judges: European selection committee Benefits: though their collaboration they are themselves promoting official statistics

Benefits of the ESC 11 NSIs working together - Working with others to amplify the message - Increase the visibility of the ESS - Increase trust in a particular NSIs, users see the NSI as a part of a other system

Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication Conclusion Conclusion Promoting statistical literacy Official Statistics are being promoted  Workshop on Statistical Data Dissemination and Communication

Promoting Official Statistics through Statistical Literacy Products María J. Vinuesa INE-Spain