Rochester Community Schools Truth-in-Budget Hearing for 2012-2013
Annual Requirement Present tax levy and budget information in a hearing format Allow for public review and comment Detail information is presented in the Hearing Information Packet (available in the back of the room)
Levy Information General Fund support from Non-homestead properties was renewed May 3, 2005 for 19.9767 mills, the maximum allowed levy is 18.0 mills. This levy will be good until 2014 and will not require an override until the rollback is .90 or below. 2012-2013 local tax support from non-homestead property is expected to be $16.87M. Debt Service Fund levy is 6.700 Mills, local tax support from all property is expected to be $27.1 M (includes allowance of 3.8% for uncollected taxes).
5 Year History/10 Year Forecast
District Budget Overview for 2012-2013
Rochester Community Schools Conclusion of hearing presentation Open for comment