In General We are not your babysitter. Ask questions. Be respectful. Making sure your assignment is turned in, correctly, on-time is YOUR responsibility. Ask questions. At any hour feel free to ask questions or voice your concerns. Even if this means waking me up – I am here to help you learn and become better leaders. Be respectful. This applies to the Instructors, Mentors, and Students. We all must be respectful to one another at all times.
Take the MTBI Test (link below) and bring your printed result to OTS Bring your CAP Resume - do not worry about perfection, just the basics are necessary. Write a 500-700 word essay on the following topic: What distinguishes a Leader from others? Please use MLA format and print it. Homework Already Late Friday 1915
GOAL: Resumes are necessary for CAP Activities and life GOAL: Resumes are necessary for CAP Activities and life. We want you to gain the necessary knowledge to make yours standout. ASSIGNMENT: We have gone over some excellent resumes – now is the time to upgrade your own. Resume Due Saturday 2200
GOAL: You will always have to write whether in CAP or life GOAL: You will always have to write whether in CAP or life. We want you to develop your skills and show that you can put thoughts down on paper. ASSIGNMENT: Write at least 300 words on “Identify the two biggest challenges your home squadron is facing and propose reasonable solutions.” Written/Typed: Double Space. Legible. Name, Grade, Assignment in top right. Title below, centered. Essay Due Saturday 1255
Challenges Facing SWR-TX-442 C/Col Kara R McRorey Essay Challenges Facing SWR-TX-442 Name and Grade Assignment Title Content
GOAL: In all areas of life you will have to communicate with others GOAL: In all areas of life you will have to communicate with others. You may also not have time to prepare what you may say – this is where impromptu comes in. You will be given a topic, then start your 1-2 minute speech. An important note: Make us BELIEVE what you are saying. Even if you don’t know exactly what your topic is… make something up and stand behind it. Please be courteous to whoever is speaking. Speech Due Saturday 1900
GOAL: As you become an officer and promote from there you will have to complete SDAs. We want you to learn how to do them correctly and WHY we have them. (CAPP 52-14) ASSIGNMENT: Achievement “16” Duty Position: Cadet Commander SDA Due Saturday 2200
Mass information incoming….. Get ready. Final Due Sunday 0700