How Can We Truly Live for God?


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Presentation transcript:

How Can We Truly Live for God? 1 Peter 4: 1-11

How Can We Truly Live for God? What’s your attitude towards sin? Picture a soldier putting on ‘gear’, fighting sin one of our weapons is our attitudes. It’s often too easy to get used to the dark. Peter wants us to militantly oppose sin! Our goal is to “be done with sin”.

How Can We Truly Live for God? Peter contrasts human desires and God’s will. Unbelievers don’t get the change God makes. He implies we should be patient with sinners. Don’t argue with them, pray for them. Whatever comes, fear God and not humans. Early church expected Jesus return soon.

How Can We Truly Live for God? We should expect and not be lazy dreamers. ‘Ten Commandments’ help keep balance regarding Jesus coming ‘soon’. 1. Be clear minded & self controlled v.7 2. Keep praying v.7 3. Love each other deeply v.8

How Can We Truly Live for God? 4. Offer hospitality easily and freely v.9 5. Use your spiritual gifts to serve vv.10-11 6. Don’t be surprised at trials v.12 7. Rejoice v.13 8. Don’t be ashamed vv.15-16 9. Glorify God vv.16-18 10. Commit yourself to God v.19

How Can We Truly Live for God? Clear minded the is opposite of mania. Love covers a multitude of sins could be reference to Pr. 10:12 “Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs.” “As God with His love covers my sins if I believe, so must I also cover the sins of my neighbor.” Martin Luther

How Can We Truly Live for God? Christian love should be fervent and forgiving, but also practical = hospitality. Christian love must result in service. Jesus spoke to Peter, concluding “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” Luke 12:48b

How Can We Truly Live for God? Be ready for Jesus return – pray, be self- controlled, love each other – a life that brings glory to God! Jesus said, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16