Can Self-pleasure Cause Male Organ Dysfunction?


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Presentation transcript:

Can Self-pleasure Cause Male Organ Dysfunction?

There’s a lot of old wives’ tales centered around self-pleasure. According to myths, it can make a man go blind, yield the hairiest of hands, and even make a member fall off. One of the newer concerns having to do with the fine art of self-pleasure is the question: Can self-pleasure cause dysfunction? MOD, long name: male organ dysfunction, is something many men deal with at some point in their life, whether temporarily or chronically. Let’s learn a bit more about MOD and if there is a connection between it and self-pleasure.

What Is Male Organ Dysfunction? Let’s start by normalizing MOD a bit. Having the occasional “lazy soldier” is not a result of chronic male organ dysfunction. It could be stress, alcohol, or just being tired. If a man is unable to summon a hard-on or maintain it at least 25 percent of the time, it’s possible he may have male organ dysfunction. It should also be pointed out that MOD can affect any man. It’s not just a condition that affects men in their midlife or golden years, though they are more susceptible to it as they age.

Can Self-pleasure Cause Dysfunction? Plain and simple, no, self-pleasure is not a direct cause of male organ dysfunction. Self-pleasure is a natural activity and doesn’t affect the frequency or quality of hard-ons. Thank goodness, because 74 percent of males admit to self-pleasuring, and if self-pleasure caused MOD, we’d be looking at an epidemic. Some people may cite difficulties with sensitivity. This can be linked to self-pleasure if a man uses a too-tight stroke, often called a death grip, or gets addicted to adult literature. Either can desensitize a man and demand an accelerating pattern in order to achieve release.

What Things Do Causes Male Organ Dysfunction? Age is a big factor with male organ dysfunction. It’s very common in men over 40 years old. This group can be affected by up to 40 percent. Now, the inability to get a hard-on at all is about five percent for men at 40 and 15 percent at age 70. For some men, it’s all in their head (and now their other one). Men who feel depressed, anxious, or have body issues can experience MOD. The most common indicator, however, is men who have a disease that affects blood flow or nerves in some way.

Diseases that are associated with male organ dysfunction include: Obesity Diabetes Heart Disease High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Stroke Multiple Sclerosis Cancer

Male Organ Dysfunction Treatment and Prevention The first course of action for treatment of male organ dysfunction is to treat the underlying cause if there is one. For some that means medication or changing medications. For others, it can be lifestyle changes like losing weight, incorporating a healthier diet, getting more exercise, getting enough quality sleep, or dealing with emotional issues. Stress and anxiety also have been attached to MOD. Getting proper mental health care is the key to resolving MOD in some cases. Of course, there are also well-known medications that are used to help men get and keep a hard-on. The little blue tablet has only grown in popularity over the years. Some men will want to address male organ dysfunction first with these popular medications.

Some men choose to use a specially formulated member health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to infuse the member with vigor and stamina. This crème is particularly noteworthy as it contains key elements designed specifically for member health, such as vitamins A, C, D, and E; shea butter for a smooth, supple member; and arginine, which causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow. A daily massage with this and the member will show its pleasure!Man 1 Man Oil