oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
ie* ee The eye on the letter eye will help them with the “I” sound. When the mouse sees the cat’s eyes, he says ee. Thus, the two sounds: ee and I. You point to your eye. The mouse says, I see you, “ee,ee,ee” . Make the mouse motion with your hands and teeth as you say ee.
ow *
* oo
aw w
ew This skunk sprays a stinky smell that makes you say “ew”. See the ew smell going across the screen. Wave your hand in front of your nose, saying e-w, ew. ew ew ew ew
oy Here is the second little pig, with an o-shaped snout. He is the end pig. He goes up and down the letter y looking for his tail. He says oy, oy, oy. Make your piggy snout again and wiggle your tail.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
_al_ Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.
oy Here is the second little pig, with an o-shaped snout. He is the end pig. He goes up and down the letter y looking for his tail. He says oy, oy, oy. Make your piggy snout again and wiggle your tail.
ou This is the sound of ou. Tell the kids that the letter o is the tide pool where the crab lives. Tell the kids that the crabs arms look like the shape of u. Tell them to make their arms llook like the crab arms and pinch, p inch, pinch saying ou, ou, ou.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
* oo
ie* The eye on the letter eye will help them with the “I” sound. When the mouse sees the cat’s eyes, he says ee. Thus, the two sounds: ee and I. You point to your eye. The mouse says, I see you, “ee,ee,ee” . Make the mouse motion with your hands and teeth as you say ee.
ou This is the sound of ou. Tell the kids that the letter o is the tide pool where the crab lives. Tell the kids that the crabs arms look like the shape of u. Tell them to make their arms llook like the crab arms and pinch, p inch, pinch saying ou, ou, ou.
oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
ew This skunk sprays a stinky smell that makes you say “ew”. See the ew smell going across the screen. Wave your hand in front of your nose, saying e-w, ew.
al Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
ow * Windmill your arm in the shape of the letter o, just like a boxer winding up. Say “ooooooooooaaaaaaaa”. Then, punch your arm and say “ow”!
* oo
oy Here is the second little pig, with an o-shaped snout. He is the end pig. He goes up and down the letter y looking for his tail. He says oy, oy, oy. Make your piggy snout again and wiggle your tail.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
al Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.
oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
ie* The eye on the letter eye will help them with the “I” sound. When the mouse sees the cat’s eyes, he says ee. Thus, the two sounds: ee and I. You point to your eye. The mouse says, I see you, “ee,ee,ee” . Make the mouse motion with your hands and teeth as you say ee.
ou This is the sound of ou. Tell the kids that the letter o is the tide pool where the crab lives. Tell the kids that the crabs arms look like the shape of u. Tell them to make their arms llook like the crab arms and pinch, p inch, pinch saying ou, ou, ou.
ew This skunk sprays a stinky smell that makes you say “ew”. See the ew smell going across the screen. Wave your hand in front of your nose, saying e-w, ew.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
* oo
al Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.
ie* The eye on the letter eye will help them with the “I” sound. When the mouse sees the cat’s eyes, he says ee. Thus, the two sounds: ee and I. You point to your eye. The mouse says, I see you, “ee,ee,ee” . Make the mouse motion with your hands and teeth as you say ee.
oy Here is the second little pig, with an o-shaped snout. He is the end pig. He goes up and down the letter y looking for his tail. He says oy, oy, oy. Make your piggy snout again and wiggle your tail.
ou This is the sound of ou. Tell the kids that the letter o is the tide pool where the crab lives. Tell the kids that the crabs arms look like the shape of u. Tell them to make their arms llook like the crab arms and pinch, p inch, pinch saying ou, ou, ou.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
ow * Windmill your arm in the shape of the letter o, just like a boxer winding up. Say “ooooooooooaaaaaaaa”. Then, punch your arm and say “ow”!
* oo
ew This skunk sprays a stinky smell that makes you say “ew”. See the ew smell going across the screen. Wave your hand in front of your nose, saying e-w, ew.
ow * Windmill your arm in the shape of the letter o, just like a boxer winding up. Say “ooooooooooaaaaaaaa”. Then, punch your arm and say “ow”!
al Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
ie* The eye on the letter eye will help them with the “I” sound. When the mouse sees the cat’s eyes, he says ee. Thus, the two sounds: ee and I. You point to your eye. The mouse says, I see you, “ee,ee,ee” . Make the mouse motion with your hands and teeth as you say ee.
oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
oy Here is the second little pig, with an o-shaped snout. He is the end pig. He goes up and down the letter y looking for his tail. He says oy, oy, oy. Make your piggy snout again and wiggle your tail.
ow * Windmill your arm in the shape of the letter o, just like a boxer winding up. Say “ooooooooooaaaaaaaa”. Then, punch your arm and say “ow”!
ew This skunk sprays a stinky smell that makes you say “ew”. See the ew smell going across the screen. Wave your hand in front of your nose, saying e-w, ew.
oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
al Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.
* oo
ow * Windmill your arm in the shape of the letter o, just like a boxer winding up. Say “ooooooooooaaaaaaaa”. Then, punch your arm and say “ow”!
ie* The eye on the letter eye will help them with the “I” sound. When the mouse sees the cat’s eyes, he says ee. Thus, the two sounds: ee and I. You point to your eye. The mouse says, I see you, “ee,ee,ee” . Make the mouse motion with your hands and teeth as you say ee.
oy Here is the second little pig, with an o-shaped snout. He is the end pig. He goes up and down the letter y looking for his tail. He says oy, oy, oy. Make your piggy snout again and wiggle your tail.
oa Oh, Canada. Circle your arm in the shape of the letter o. Sing, oh, oh, oh, oh.
ew This skunk sprays a stinky smell that makes you say “ew”. See the ew smell going across the screen. Wave your hand in front of your nose, saying e-w, ew.
au Aunt Unice says, “Au, you are so cute.” Place your hands on your cheeks as you say it. You can make a connection to the letter u by saying that each arm of the u is a side of the baby’s cheeks.
ou This is the sound of ou. Tell the kids that the letter o is the tide pool where the crab lives. Tell the kids that the crabs arms look like the shape of u. Tell them to make their arms llook like the crab arms and pinch, p inch, pinch saying ou, ou, ou.
al Spread arms and say “all” . I will eat ALL the candy.