Sycamore Class Homework Mathletics Mathletics has been set for you! KEEP PRACTICING YOUR TIMES TABLES ON TT ROCK STARS – YOU’RE ALL DOING SO WELL! Sycamore Class Homework Friday 7th December Due in Thursday 13th December Choose two tasks… If you would like to contact us to ask about homework or discuss any other concerns, then please ring the office to make an appointment or leave a message with the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your support, Mrs A Thompson and Miss Jenkinson Can you write a set of instructions to help me with my Christmas baking – maybe you could tell me how to make mince pies or gingerbread men? Remember to set out your instructions using numbers or bulletpoints and to use a range of time connectives. Include timings and handy hints. Notes Our P.E days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday so please can you ensure that you have your P.E kits in school for these days. If any of you have your ears pierced, you must make sure they can be removed to your P.E lesson. Thank you. Can you put our new spelling words into sentences? Write one sentence for each. Challenge yourself – can you write one sentence including them all? Use your best handwriting. Find a book You like and read it. Simple Please write in your reading diaries. Topic Project Over the next few weeks, as part of our new topic, ‘Food Glorious Food’, we will be researching where our food comes from, how our food is transported and how many food miles they take to reach us. As part of your topic homework, can you create a project all about ‘food’. You could focus on one aspect such as food that is ‘Fairtrade’ or on foods that are ‘natural’ or ‘man made’. Remember, you can present your work in anyway that you like! Due in by, Thursday 13th December How long does it take a Christmas tree to grow? What other interesting facts can you find out about Christmas trees? Create a factfile. Can you research how many different names Father Christmas has? Draw a poster. Spellings (Test on Friday) hindrance identity immediate immediately individual Your topic homework is due next week – is it DOJO worthy?!