Place these notes in your Notebook. Chapter 7 Test Review Place these notes in your Notebook.
Bread, oxygen, gasoline, or lumber: Which of these would most likely be made from a nonrenewable resource? Gasoline A mineral reserve refers to the known deposits of the mineral that are worth mining. Nonmetallic mineral resources frequently used in construction are sand and gravel.
The type of coal that releases the greatest amount of energy when burned is anthracite. Burning coal, nuclear fission, and water power are all methods of generating electricity using a turbine. Oil is a fossil fuel that is sometimes found in shale.
Shale Sedimentary
Uranium, anthracite, wind, or bituminous coal: Which of the following power sources is most efficient for producing electricity? Bituminous coal, because it is cheaper to mine than anthracite. Hydroelectric power generates electricity with water.
The amount of power produced by a windmill depends on the speed of the wind, the length of the windmill’s blades, and the efficiency of the windmill. Recycling materials, developing substitute materials and reducing waste are all methods of conserving nonrenewable resources. Geothermal energy is the energy source that depends on Earth’s internal heat.
The main use of coal in the United States today is electricity generation. A fuel commonly found with oil is natural gas. Oil, nuclear, and even geothermal energy sources pollute the environment in some way. What percent of the world’s energy comes from nonrenewable energy resources? 93%
Examples of conserving or protecting resources include all of the following: Removing topsoil before mining and replacing it afterwards, reducing the amount of gasoline used, and insulating homes to reduce the amount of energy used. The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 was designed to control pollution and encourage conservation.
Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Although the mining process can be difficult and expensive, metal mineral reserves are mined because metals are useful and there is a great demand for them. The core of a nuclear reactor includes nuclear fuel.
The burning of coal in electric power plants produces numerous environmental pollutants. Over time, efforts have been made to reduce the amounts of those pollutants released into the atmosphere. The graph shows the percent by which some pollutants caused by burning have been controlled. Which pollutant had the greatest change in percent of control between 1960 and 1990? Which pollutant had the least change? Greatest change: Sulfur oxides Least change: Soot
Essay: Compare and contrast natural gas, burning wood, and solar energy as home-heating methods. Include renewability and pollution in your discussion. Wood used as fuel and solar energy are renewable resources, whereas natural gas is a nonrenewable resource. Burning wood and natural gas causes pollution, whereas solar energy does not.
Essay: Describe at least five ways consumers can conserve nonrenewable resources. Reducing consumption, recycling, reusing products, joining conservation efforts, walking instead of using public transportation, using public transportation instead of one’s own car, lowering the thermostat in winter and raising it in the summer, turning off lights when they are not being used.
During regional metamorphism, rocks are formed when heat and pressure change igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic parent rock into a new type of rock. The degree of metamorphism is influenced by the amount of heat and pressure the rocks are exposed. The presence of fluids or gases can speed up metamorphic changes. Foliation may occur during regional metamorphism, causing the formation of bands of minerals or parallel layers in the new rock.