What is Culture? Knowledge, language, values, customs, and materials that are passed on
Components Material and Nonmaterial Symbols Language Values Norms Change Subcultures/Countercultures Popular Culture
Material v. Nonmaterial Material- physical/tangible creations used, made, or shared Dress, totem poles, hijabs, food Nonmaterial- abstract/intangible creations of society that influence behavior Laws, social concepts, norms, ideas
Symbols Symbols are anything that meaningfully represents something else Bald Eagle, Great Wall of China, English Tea
Cultural Universals Are customs and practices that happen across all society Sports (soccer), appearance, institutions
Language Set of symbols that express ideas and enable people to think and communicate Same words/phases have different meanings Gender based Race and Ethnic based
Values Collective ideas about what is right, wrong, etc in a particular culture American values include: individualism and achievement British values: history, tradition, tolerance, democracy German values: education, punctuality, manners
Norms Established rules of behavior or standards of conduct Formal (written) and informal (unwritten standards) Folkways-informal, customs that may be violated without much consequence Mores-strong norms with moral/ethnic can be violated without much consequence Laws-formal, enacted by legislatures, enforced by formal sanctions
Ways of Change Technology Cultural Lag (gap btw tech and moral and legal) Discovery-learning Invention Diffusion-transmission Assimilation-coming together
Diversity Subcultures-category of people who share attributes that set them apart from dominant culture Southern, bikers, LGBT, Trekkie, African American Counterculture-group that strongly rejects dominant society and seeks alternative lifestyles Hippies, green movement, Civil Rights, hipsters
Culture Shock Disorientation that people feel when encounter cultures very different from own culture
Pop Culture Popular Culture-activities, products, and services assumed to appeal to middle/working class Concerts, sports, fads, fashion, movies High Culture-activities for the upper-middle/upper class who have time and money Opera, ballet, classical music