Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Oil/Water Flow through Fractures Matthew Becker, Department of Geology, University at Buffalo, State University of New York Relative permeability curves for water/oil systems in porous media are well established. Similar curves for fractured rocks have not been investigated at the core scale. Because of the high variability in fracture aperture, multiphase flow through fractures is dynamic. The complex behavior of multiphase flow through rock fractures has important implications for the mobility of oil during tertiary recovery. We have developed the capability of imaging multiphase flow through rock fractures using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Now we are attempting to measure differential pressure during flow so that we can correlate surface tension forces with fluid advancement. The animation below shows the infiltration of dodecane into a dolomite fracture. At right is a theoretical prediction of the pressure differential as a function of dodecane/water contact angle at the rock surface. top view 9 cm end view