1st Vice Chair Closing Motions


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1st Vice Chair Closing Motions Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx 1st Vice Chair Closing Motions Author: Matthew Sherman 1st Vice Chair, IEEE 802 BAE Systems - ES Matthew.Sherman@BAESystems.com Date: November 20th, 2009 John Doe, His Company

EC Motion For: Moved: Matthew Sherman Against: 2nd: Abstain: Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx August 19 EC Motion To approve the LMCS OM revision ballot titled “Creation of LMSC Working Group (WG) P&P” as described in the document titled: 090717 Cover_letter_for_LMSC_OM_Revision_Ballot.pdf replacing the two documents referenced in that ballot with the revised documents at: https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/09/ec-09-0006-00-00EC-draft-revision-of-the-lmsc-om-for-wg-p-p.pdf https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/09/ec-09-0007-00-00EC-draft-lmsc-wg-p-p.pdf For: Moved: Matthew Sherman Against: 2nd: Abstain: Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems John Doe, His Company

EC Motion For: Moved: Matthew Sherman Against: 2nd: Abstain: Month 2000 doc.: IEEE 802.11-00/xxx August 19 EC Motion To approve the LMSC P&P revision originally posted 7/16/09 on the EC reflector and amended in response to comments as reflected in the document: https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/09/ec-09-0005-00-00EC-draft-revised-lmsc-p-p-for-wg-p-p-ballot.pdf For: Moved: Matthew Sherman Against: 2nd: Abstain: Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems John Doe, His Company