Relationships between NEFA release from subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue and fat mass (A) and fasting insulin (B) in different groups of subjects. Relationships between NEFA release from subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue and fat mass (A) and fasting insulin (B) in different groups of subjects. The NEFA release has been quantified with the same technique in separate group of subjects from previous studies in our laboratory using arteriovenous concentration differences across abdominal subcutaneous tissue multiplied by the tissue blood flow. Only data from men are shown. Open circle, healthy lean control subjects; solid circle, healthy obese subjects (62). Solid square, lean control subjects (80). Upward triangle, lean control subjects (81). Cross, lean control subjects (82). Square with hour-glass fill: healthy control subjects aged 31–59 years, BMI 22–28 kg/m2 (K. Manolopoulos, unpublished data). Open star, control subjects for insulin resistance study; solid star, men with insulin resistance (83). Downward triangle, healthy obese men (12). Open diamond, type 2 diabetic patients on rosiglitazone; solid diamond, same patients on placebo (84). Note that the different groups of lean control subjects had different characteristics (age, BMI) as detailed in the individual publications. For each group, mean values ± SE are shown. Fredrik Karpe et al. Diabetes 2011;60:2441-2449 ©2011 by American Diabetes Association