Integrated Cryptographic Network Interface Controller This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Integrated Cryptographic Network Interface Controller Glenn A. Emelko 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
Concept Use standard LAN controller Fully Ethernet Compatible Integrated On-board Cryptography Configurable Encryption Settings Automatic Key Management Built-in Entropy Generator Auto-secure Connection Mode 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
Cryptography Wish List High Speed Large Volume Secure Transactions Minimal Computational Requirements Flexible Wide range of settings depending on desired level of privacy and speed Parameters (such as key size) have quantified effects on overall security 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
Cryptography Wish List (cont.) Advances in computation, number theory, or quantum computing should not compromise security P(M)=P(M|C), P(K)=P(K|C) Suitable for use with many different cryptographic protocols Publication of cryptographic method or protocol will not compromise security 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
Cryptographic Engine FPGA Based Design Variable Length Packets Variable Length Key Dynamic Configuration High Speed / Throughput Internal Entropy Generator Key Negotiation Protocol 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
LAN Controller Fully 10/100Base-T Compatable One-chip Design Drivers available for numerous operating systems 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
Architecture On board CPLD or FPGA PCI interface for PC Architecture On board FIFO Buffer RAM 10/100 Base-T interface (UTP Cat-5) 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
Research Topics Dynamic Cryptographic Protocol Fully Automatic Key Exchange Entropy Generation Alternatives to IPSEC Competition of Existing Standards Compatibility Simplicity vs. Security 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko
References A. Beutelspacher (1991), Cryptology N. Koblitz (1994), A Course on Number Theory and Cryptography S. Levy (2001), Crypto B. Schneier (1996), Applied Cryptography S. Singh (1999), The Code Book D. Welsh (1995), Codes and Cryptography Numerous Internet Sources 8/3/2019 Glenn A. Emelko