Methamphetamine By: Meghan M
Common Street Names Ice Crystal Crank Chalk Speed
Common Forms of drug White Crystalline Powder
How the drug enters the body Smoked Injected Snorted Swallowed
How does the drug affect the body? Seizures Paranoia Fever Tremors Restlessness Strokes Heart Kidney Failure DEATH!
History Derived from amphetamine the drug was developed in the early 1900s. It was used in products that assist people with breathing problems, including decongestants and bronchial inhalers. Japanese Kamikaze pilots were given methamphetamine prior to their missions.
Withdrawal Yes, there is a withdrawal to this drug. Withdrawal can cause severe depression, anxiety, fatigue or tiredness, and craving for meth.
More information Tolerance: Yes Dependence: Physical and psychological Type of drug: Stimulant
Is it illegal? For most people, it is illegal but people with prescriptions can use it. Only about 16,000 people have prescriptions to this drug.
METH CAUSES DEATH!!!! Meth causes death so don't use it.
Citations Gonzales, Matt. Meth Addiction, edited by Joey Rosenburg, 1 June 2018, Methamphetamine Detox and Withdrawal, 2018, Shanks, Peter. They Lost Jamie. .