Effect of HSF1 siRNA on glycated LDL–induced HSF1 and PAI-1 protein in HCAECs. Subconfluent HCAECs were transfected with siRNA against HSF1 gene and then treated with glycated LDL (gly-LDL), LDL, or vehicle as described in the legend of Fig. 4. Effect of HSF1 siRNA on glycated LDL–induced HSF1 and PAI-1 protein in HCAECs. Subconfluent HCAECs were transfected with siRNA against HSF1 gene and then treated with glycated LDL (gly-LDL), LDL, or vehicle as described in the legend of Fig. 4. The abundance of HSF1, PAI-1, or β-actin protein was detected using Western blotting. A: Western blots. B: Integrative data. Values are presented in the folds of control after normalization with β-actin (means ± SD, n = 3 experiments). *,**P < 0.05 or 0.01, respectively, vs. control without HSF1 siRNA; +,++P < 0.05 or 0.01 vs. LDL without HSF1 siRNA; ×P < 0.05 vs. glycated LDL without HSF1 siRNA. Ruozhi Zhao, and Garry X. Shen Diabetes 2007;56:1436-1444 ©2007 by American Diabetes Association