CPU Design use pipeline Xiang Gao and Dongsheng Chen
Design choice Why pipeline Drawbacks of the pipeline design Pipeline would be faster then other choices No state machine No time difference Drawbacks of the pipeline design Without of Hazard detection unit and forwarding Relative address limitation 3 bits (-7 to 7) Jump and link (jal) needs more nops
Instruction type R types: Add, Sub, And, Or, Slt, nop Format R opcode(15-12) rs(11-8) rt(7-4) rd(3-0) I Imm(3-0) J address(11-0) R types: Add, Sub, And, Or, Slt, nop I types: lw, sw, beq, bne, Addi, Sll, J types: j, jr, jal
Control Unit Input: opcode(15-12) Output: branch_ctr, jump, Alu-src, M-wr, M_red, Mem to reg, Alu_op, reg_dst, branch, Reg_wr, Jal_wr Branch_ctr Control jump Alu_src M_wr 15-12 memtoreg Alu_op Reg_dst branch reg_wr Jal_wr
Control signal
Simulation results
Test program
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