Pikes Peak Library District Overview of the State of the Library Boyd Consulting Group Jessica Creighton S. H. R. M. A. P. S. V. D. V.
STRONG LEADERSHIP WITH A VISION FOR THE FUTURE We Need Libraries Now More Than Ever In fact, libraries provide so much support for learning and education that it is surprising to hear some people say that we don’t need libraries anymore in the age of the Internet, when, in fact, the reverse is true: Libraries are needed now more than ever, as the economy has declined and as new formats have emerged. Our public libraries provide computer and bandwidth access for those who cannot afford it, are a resource and advocate for print and digital literacy, provide materials in multiple formats in a sustainable way, assist agencies and businesses with the information needs of a rapidly changing business environment, and they remain anchor institutions in our communities for individuals and families in a sometimes volatile and stressful world. Seek. Engage. Transform. Paula J. Miller Executive Director, Pikes Peak Library District
Group 3: Objective To study the Pikes Peak Library District to determine, through environmental scanning and SWOT analysis, how the district is performing overall, to breathe life into the Mission, Vision, and Values Statements, and to create a usable strategic plan for continued sustainability and success through the upcoming years.
Environmental Scanning What is it? “The acquisition and use of information about events, trends, and relationships in an organization’s external environment, the knowledge of which would assist management in planning the organization’s future course of action.” -Chun Wei Choo (1999) “A process for gathering information about activities, trends, relationships, competitors, potential dangers, and any other factor in the environment that could impact the organization.” –G. Evans & Patricia Ward (2007)
Environmental Scanning Why do we do it? We scan our environment in order to identify and respond to “emerging problems; competitive weaknesses; organizational strengths; and new service opportunities at an early stage.” -James Castiglione (2008) “Organizations scan the environment in order to understand external forces of change so that they may develop effective responses that secure or improve their position in the future.” –Chun Wei Choo (1999)
Environmental Scanning How do we do it? We begin by closely examining environmental factors such as history, demographics, funding, economic trends, political changes/trends, sociocultural factors, vendors, competitors, technological developments, and legislative/regulatory developments of the region. SWOT analysis Internal factors: Strengths and Weaknesses External factors: Opportunities and Threats
Strengths: Weaknesses: sWOT findings Technology Environmental impact awareness Outreach & community services Homeschooling resources Weaknesses: Expansion Soliciting community involvement Staff training
Opportunities: Threats: sWOT findings (con’t) Affordable real estate for potential expansion and development - Technology commons - Teen zones Threats: Funding The technology balancing act
The Pikes Peak Library District Mission, Vision & Value Statements OUR MISSION To help improve and enrich the quality of life for Pikes Peak Library District patrons and staff through the provision of collections, services, and programs that: Provide equitable access to information and resources Encourage literacy and lifelong learning Foster a sense of community
Our visIon Pikes Peak Library District envisions a future in which all patrons have access to opportunities and resources to transform their lives. Our goal is to create a sense of community that enhances services for the patron. We seek to accomplish this through sustainable practices and future technologies
Our Values PPLD aims to fulfill our mission and vision statements by focusing on these central tenets: Service: We are committed to providing outstanding customer service that is responsive to the needs of the community. We aim to provide services and programs that are convenient and easy to use in a comfortable environment. Community: Pikes Peak Library District views itself as a central meeting place for its patrons. We seek to forge a sense of community and actively participate/collaborate as a community partner. Lifelong Learning: We encourage our patrons' continued use of Pikes Peak Library District's resources to develop skills and a love of learning from infancy to adulthood.
Our Values (con’t) Literacy: Our staff strives to utilize early reading programs to promote literacy from a young age. We encourage patrons of all ages and reading levels to develop into lifelong learners. Sustainability: We are committed to sustainable programs and practices that ensure the longevity of Pikes Peak Library District's ability to serve the community. As such, we seek to enhance young adult services. Innovation & Technology: We aim to maintain current technologies while exploring future technologies to best serve our customers' needs. Our goal is to continue to uphold and exceed the elevated Pikes Peak Library District's innovative standards. Equity of Access: We take pride in our diverse community and welcome everyone. Pikes Peak Library District is dedicated to making resources accessible to all members of society, including accommodating individuals with special needs.
Goal 1 PPLD will encourage lifelong learning by engaging more teenage readers in the library through the creation of a Teen Center. Create a Teen Center at Penrose Library To promote the new Teen Center, the Video Department will create videos and commercials To further promote the Teen Center, PPLD staff will also coordinate visits from the local middle schools and high schools
Goal 2 Create a new library to expand coverage for growing population in Colorado Springs. In lieu of constructing a new building, PPLD will acquire existing property for expansion Current collection will be reviewed, updated and expanded to accommodate new library Perform community outreach and implement services and programming specifically targeted to military families
Goal 3 In an effort to increase our customer service, the Pikes Peak Library District will successfully create technology commons that will provide access to greater resources. Stay current with technology trends Find mentors and volunteers who are able to use the technology Continuing education for staff to ensure they are comfortable with new technologies
Goal 4 In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, PPLD will have their new facilities meet LEED silver standards or higher and will promote similar updates in their existing buildings. Reduce carbon emissions by 15% through energy conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy technology PPLD will create and promote single-stream recycling practices for all facilities. PPLD will have 60% waste diversion in five years
Conclusion This details the goals for the Pikes Peak Library District’s updated Strategic Plan. These strategic goals, based on the updated mission, vision, and value statements for the Pikes Peak Library District, focus on promoting lifelong learning, increasing access to information, and integrating customer service and technology in order to ensure sustainability and better serve the community.