Samuel Bemment Roger Dixon, Roger Goodall Loughborough University Redundantly Engineered Points for enhanced reliability and capacity of Railway Track Switching Samuel Bemment Roger Dixon, Roger Goodall Loughborough University UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
Introduction… Points (Switches, Turnouts…) Enable many routes through a network Represent a single point of failure Capacity limitation of any idealised network ‘Dangerous until proven safe’ UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Whoopsy-daisy UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
Why Re-engineer? The size of the prize… 0.3% Cost saving 0.2% Asset Reliability increase UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase I’m joking, its actually… £Billions UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase No, really…
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase New design Paradigm… Always in a… Safe Available Safe (did we say that one already?) State + Capacity + Service Quality -- Cost UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase
UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase The future Promising initial results New design concepts established Applying for patents But at some point… Build a set! And then… Hammer to Oblivion! UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase