Variability in sensation intensity due to changes in impedance during electrotactile stimulation. Variability in sensation intensity due to changes in impedance during electrotactile stimulation. (A) Current flows across the mechanoreceptors in the skin to produce sensation. When the electrode is peeled back, current density increases, resulting in a stronger sensation. (B) Current stimulation waveform (top), with I = 2 mA, T = 200 μs at 20 Hz, delivered across the skin and the resulting measured voltage waveform (bottom). The mean and SD for an individual pulse are shown as the participant peeled back and reapplied an electrode. The recorded voltage, Vp, is the peak of the voltage waveform and is used as a measure of the steady-state voltage, Vss (note S1). (C) Changes in the peak resistance of the electrode-skin interface due to peeling back and reapplying the electrode. As more of the electrode is peeled back, the sensation gets stronger, leading to discomfort. The mean and SD over five trials are shown. Aadeel Akhtar et al. Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaap9770 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works