5th Grade Curriculum Night 2011-12
Academy of the Arts Grade level field trip to Ballet Arizona School –wide talent show Faculty Follies Annual Art Walk Academy Mission Statement ~ By utilizing an arts focused curriculum, we will enhance each child’s sense of belonging, sense of self, and ability to achieve academically.
Fifth Grade Teachers’ Mission Statement As fifth grade teachers, we will provide all students with high quality, standards based lessons for academic achievement. Through collaboration, effective communication, teamwork, and shared leadership, we will plan for and assess student success.
Fifth Grade Students’ Mission Statement We are here in fifth grade to learn and improve our knowledge. Together, we need to cooperate, listen to each other, and work as a team. We will make this happen by setting goals, putting forth our best effort, and persevering to reach our goals.
Instructional and Learning Shifts - Math Common Core State Standards Domains Grade Level Learning Requirements 8 Math Practices Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Math-Student Behaviors ACE Problem Solving
Instructional and Learning Shifts - ELA Informational Text Learning Strategy Inventory Vocabulary Building-content specific Text Complexity Qualitative-attentive reader that , such as levels of meaning or purpose; structure; language conventionality and clarity; and knowledge demands Quantitative-Lexile (word difficulty, structure, etc.) Reader and Task-Back ground, relatability, readiness
Classroom Continuous Improvement Plan, Do, Study Act Mission Statement Development Smart Goal 2 week cycles Student data folders
Titans ACE Learning Focus in Content Problem Solving Answer Compute/Cite Evidence Explain your reasoning
Writing ~ Mrs. McLuen Six Traits: Word Choice, Voice, Ideas, Conventions, Sentence Fluency, Organization Personal Narrative, Expository Paragraph, Letters, Persuasive Paragraph, Book Reviews, Research Report (50% Narrative & 50% Expository) Thinking Maps Write From the Beginning Daily Oral Language Writer’s Express
Social Studies ~ Mrs. Harman /Mrs. McCormick Geography/Mapping skills Harcourt Social Studies US History World History Unit Projects
Science ~ Mrs. Tang Scientific Process Human Body Mixtures and Solutions Forces and Motion Levers and Pulleys Space FOSS Kits Science Fair
Spelling/Vocabulary The philosophy behind the spelling/vocabulary is for students to learn the meaning and the spelling of the words Spelling tests will be on Fridays Weekly Spelling Activities
Homework Monthly Book Celebration Unfinished work from class Spelling Assignments
Technology Computer lab Netbooks Skype Assessments
Communication and Parent Involvement Phone, email, letters, notes 5th Grade Website Report cards Conferences-student led Planners Weekly Wrap Up Folders Notice of Concern
Academic Assessments Tests Quizzes AIMS-Week of April 15-18
Behavior Expectations Rights & Responsibilities Consequences PRIDE Card
School Rules and Bullying Policies Reporting System Character Counts/ Top 20 3-8 School Wide Procedures hand out