Intro today class 11, Ist 331, 1 oct 13 Reminder: “ist331:” Elderly kits Comments on papers Memory, attention, and learning interact So, turn off distractions
Chapter 6 Attention Learning Memory, attention, and learning interact We all know what it is A resource Capacity in time and space WRT the environment Learning Linear, multi-pass Memory, attention, and learning interact
Demos of perception Movie 1 from Taatgen Example video
Chapter 7, HCC Language, used everywhere Concrete, short, common words Grice’s maxims [can you turn off the light? Yes!] Make your contribution as informatative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange). Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. Quality maxims Do not say what you believe to be false. [I’ve got a great knock-knock] Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. Be relevant [Hey, robert!] Avoid obscurity of expression [would you like fish or meat? Yes] Avoid ambiguity [Who’s on first?] Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity) [Did I tell you about the time…] Be orderly
Chapter 7, HCC Common ground [video] Reading Font Size Kearning Line spacing Word choice How to write, Strunk and White