District Training Assembly April 6, 2019 Rotary 101: Worldwide structure of Rotary, Charitable Foundation Future of Rotary related to Diversity, equity, and inclusion as vital to young adults Rotary membership benefits The Rotary Foundation – How to best use reports, recognition, service Rotary Grants and how to submit Grant Training Fundraising Ideas Reflections from Peace Fellow Rotary Core Values – Jim Lussier Conflict Resolution and how to identify a potential conflict Crisis and Risk Management – recover from an unforeseen event Vibrant Club - 3 essential elements (Brand, Membership, Foundation) President Elect Training Leadership – emotionally intelligent leaders get results President Elect Nominees – Meet & Greet with Cindi Membership – engagement/retention, flexibility, AND MANY MANY MORE!!!!
Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) The Rotary Friendship Exchange program gives Rotarians and their families the opportunity to host and visit Rotarians around the world. In addition to experiencing other cultures and making lasting friendships, an exchange provides a strong foundation for carrying out other international activities and service projects. The primary goal of a Friendship Exchange is to build greater international understanding and goodwill among Rotarians and their families. In addition, exchange participants can: Learn how their vocations are practiced in other parts of the world Observe new customs and cultures Promote an appreciation of cultural diversity worldwide 2019 2020
Upcoming Meeting Locations 3/27 Currents 4/3 Riverhouse Convention Center - DOWNSTAIRS 4/10 Riverhouse Convention Center - DOWNSTAIRS 4/17 Deschutes Brewery Mountain Room 4/24 Bend Bulletin 5/1 Riverhouse Convention Center 5/8 Riverhouse Convention Center 5/15 Deschutes Brewery Mountain Room 5/22 Bend Golf & Country + Golf Tourney 5/29 Field Trip!! 6/5 Currents 6/12 Currents or Convention (tbd) 6/19 Riverhouse Convention Center - DOWNSTAIRS 6/26 No Meeting