Planning to develop the CIS Work Programme 2010-2012 Meeting of the WFD Strategic Co-ordination Group 11 March 2009 Jorge Rodriguez Romero European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team
Background Orientation debate held by Water Directors in Paris November 2008 based on a paper presented by the troika (FR/CZ/SE) Conclusions (extract) Principles remain valid Simplification of structures Combination of strategic, cross-sectoral discussion fed by technical elements Pragmatism Reinforce dissemination to the wider public Continuation agriculture, climate change, links to renewable energy policy Strategic issues: links between water and biodiversity, marine environment Importance of Commission involvement at all levels Encourage involvement of river basin authorities and experts from national and international (e.g. river conventions) Links to other international water initiatives
Time table Calendar of working groups 07-08 May SCG & Art 21 Committee 18-19 March WG E Priority Substances 19 March SSG WFD and Agriculture 30-31 March WG D Reporting 20-21 April WG A Ecostat 27-28 April WG C Groundwater 29-30 April SSG on Climate Change and Water 19-20 May WG F Floods 07-08 May SCG & Art 21 Committee Extended agenda point on proposals for activities from WG 28-29 May Water Directors Report to Water Directors October-November: finalisation of mandates WG and SCG Endorsement of the CIS Work Programme 2010-2012 by WD in Malmö
Ask Working Groups leads to The SCG is invited to Ask Working Groups leads to schedule an agenda point in their respective spring meetings to discuss the potential tasks for Work Programme 2010-2012 Prepare a first outline of the mandate for the May meeting of the SCG Prepare to take the comments back to autumn meetings of the WG and prepare final drafts for the SCG meeting of October or November