Chapter 4 Adel M. Awadallah Islamic University of Gaza Organic chemistry for medicine and biology students Chem 2311 Chapter 4 Aromatic Compounds By Prof. Dr. Adel M. Awadallah Islamic University of Gaza
Hydrocarbons (contain only carbon and hydrogen) Aromatic Compounds Hydrocarbons (contain only carbon and hydrogen) Saturated: (Contain only single bonds) Alkanes (CnH2N + 2 ) Cycloalkanes (CnH2N ) b) Unsaturated: contain Alkenes: double bonds (,,,CnH2N) Alkynes: triple bonds ((CnH2N - 2) Aromatic: benzene like compounds
Facts about double and triple bonds
Structure of Benzene Benzene is the parent of a class of especially stable compounds called aromatic compounds. It was first isolated by Faraday in 1825 from compressed illuminating gas Different structures were suggested for benzene (C6H6). The regular conjugated hexagon structure was suggested by Kekuli` in 1865
Orbital Model for Benzene
Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds
Disubstituted Benzene
Assigning Priority Halogens < alkanes < alkenes < amines < OH < ketone < aldehyde < acid < ester Examples
Aromatic Compounds in Nature and Health
How can you prepare the following compound? Starting from benzene
Polycyclic aromatic compounds cigarettes
C60, An aromatic sphere The Fullerenes