Victory in Europe and the Pacific Ch. 17 Sec. 4
Nazi’s Defeat March 1945: Allies crossed Rhine from West, Soviets closed in on Berlin from East- met and shook hands at the Elbe River In Italy- Guerrillas captured/executed Mussolini Hitler committed suicide May 7, 1945: Germany surrendered May 8, 1945: War officially ended in Europe (V-E Day: Victory in Europe)
Successes for the Allies Location of Germany forced it to fight on multiple fronts Hitler held sole power of decision making and made some poor choices Hitler underestimated Soviets’ armies US productivity doubled all Axis powers combined Allied bombing hindered German production Oil became scarce grounding the Luftwaffe
Struggle for the Pacific After battles of Midway & Coral Sea- Americans took the offensive Summer 1942: US Marines landed at Guadalcanal- Victory at Guadalcanal marking beginning of “Island Hopping” campaign Recapture some islands while bypassing others Led by Gen. Douglas MacArther By 1944: US Navy led by Admiral Chester Nimits blockaded Japan with US bombers pounding cities and industries British fought Japanese in Burma and Malaysia
Defeat of Japan Mid-1945 most of Japanese Navy and Air Force had been destroyed With V-E Day Allies poured all resources into fighting Japan Feb. – March 1945: Battle of Iwo Jima April-July 1945: Battle of Okinawa 1944: Started Kamikaze missions Manhattan Project offered a solution to end the war July 1945: 1st Atom bomb successfully tested
Kamikaze plane sliced through US ship during Okinawa
Ending the War President Truman (Took office April 12, 1945) decided Atom bomb would save American lives and to use the weapon against Japan US warned Japanese officials of “complete destruction” & “utter devastation” Aug. 6, 1945: Enola Gay dropped “Little Boy” on Hiroshima Aug. 8, 1945: Soviets declared war on Manchuria
Ending the War Con’t Aug. 9, 1945: Laggin Dragon dropped Fat Man on Nagasaki Aug. 10, 1945: Emperor Hirohito intervened and surrendered Sept. 2, 1945: Formal treaty signed on US Missouri in Tokyo Bay