Terminology Services Project team: Diane Vizine-Goetz Andrew Houghton Roger Thompson Carol Hickey
Environment Library methods competing with other approaches for accessing content Computational, text-based search techniques (Web search engines) Systems that exploit the opinions and actions of individuals & communities Need to determine role of KO resources (authority files, subject headings, thesauri, classification schemes, etc.) in relation to these approaches Traditional library methods must compete with new approaches for accessing content Computational, text-based search techniques Foundation of most Web search engines Systems that exploit the opinions and actions of individuals & communities Citation indexing, recommendation systems, collaborative filtering techniques, etc.
Classes of Services Register Search Resolve Navigate Decompose Enhance Transform
Levels of Services Basic Enhanced Experimental
Basic Services Relatively easy Useful Can offer quality service Gain experience Examples Transform the syntax Artificial satellites—Mars—Orbits > $a Artificial satellites $z Mars $x Orbits 629.43’4 > 629.43/4 > 629.434 Navigate a hierarchy Artificial satellites BT Space vehicles Cons Anyone can do Everyone will do Less interesting
Enhanced Services More complex Exploit unique OCLC resources, e.g., WorldCat Genre terms/LCSH DDC/LCSH DDC FAST PAIS
Enhanced Services DDC/LCSH relationships
Experimental Services More complex Outcome uncertain Longer lead time to develop Automatic classification ePrints-UK Record enhancement
Record enhancement
Record enhancement