Japan TC Chapter Photovoltaic and Photovoltaic Materials Global Technical Committee Liaison Report 2018.11.15 V1.0 Please save file name with version number as well (e.g., v1, v2,…) Make sure version number is the same as the file name and on the slide!
Meeting Information Last meeting Next meeting November 9, 2018, 13:30-16:00 at the Japan Fall Meetings 2018 SEMI Japan Office, Tokyo, Japan Next meeting April 19, 2019, 13:30-16:00 at the Japan Spring Meetings 2019 Example: Last meeting Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at the SEMI Standards NA Fall Meetings SEMI Headquarters, Milpitas, CA http://www.semi.org/en/standards-events
Japan TC Chapter Photovoltaic Global Technical Committee
Japan TC Chapter of PV Global Technical Committee Organization Chart Japan TC Chapter of PV Global Technical Committee C: Kazuhiko Kashima / Consultant C: Masaaki Yamamichi / RTS Corporation Please contact Laura (lnguyen@semi.org) if you need help creating Org Charts. Please keep “Name – Company” format. Do not use parenthesis around company name.
Five-Year Review Designation Standard Title Action By Assigned to None. * Nonconforming title needs to be addressed in addition to Five-Year review
Japan TC Chapter Photovoltaic Materials Global Technical Committee
Japan TC Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee Organization Chart Japan TC Chapter of PV Materials Global Technical Committee C: Kazuhiko Kashima / Consultant C: Takashi Ishihara / Mitsubishi Electric C: Tetsuo Fukuda / AIST Japan PV Materials TF Tetsuo Fukuda / AIST Takashi Ishihara / Mitsubishi Electric Please contact Laura (lnguyen@semi.org) if you need help creating Org Charts. Please keep “Name – Company” format. Do not use parenthesis around company name.
Task Force Highlights Japan PV Materials Task Force #6286: Line Items Revision to SEMI PV79-0817 Test Method for Exposure Durability of PV Cells to Acetic Acid SNARF was approved at Photovoltaic Materials Japan TC Chapter on September 15, 2017. Ballot submission was approved at Photovoltaic Materials Japan TC Chapter on September 15, 2017. Ballot was submitted for Cycle 9-2017 The ballot results were reviewed, and Line Item 1 passed as balloted at PV Materials Japan TC Chapter on April 6, 2018. Published as as PV79-0818 Use this slide for high-level topics and highlights *When listing SNARF Documents, list just the number (the Doc # implies that it is drafting) Example: 5267A: New Standard, Specification for Microfluidic Port and Pitch Dimensions Correct terms to use: -TC Chapter authorized -Authorized to ballot in Cycle X-20XX -Pending A&R -Approved by A&R -Forward to A&R for procedural review -Publication pending If space allows: *When listing Standards, remember to include the designation number and pubs date code along with Reapproval date, if applicable, and title e.g., SEMI S3-1211, Safety Guideline for Process Liquid Heating Systems SEMI E47-0301 (Reapproved 0512), Specification for 150 mm/200 mm Pod Handles
Five-Year Review Designation Standard Title Action By Assigned to SEMI PV60-0115 Test Method for Measurement of Cracks in Photovoltaic (PV) Silicon Wafers in PV Modules by Laser Scanning 2020 Spring - * Nonconforming title needs to be addressed in addition to Five-Year review
Mizue Iwamura, SEMI Japan Thank you Mizue Iwamura, SEMI Japan miwamura@semi.org