Question 1
Introduction My opening title sequence fits in with the conventions of thriller films as it is quintessential with the thriller genre as it is a psychological thriller. My OTS is inspired by se7en as the focal point is about a ordinary man(protagonist) trying to find (antagonist)/someone hunt them down but instead of working with the police like in se7en he is trying to save his family by himself.
Frame 1 – Title of the sequence My film is called ‘The hunt’ which , implies there is some sort of hunt or exploration for someone or some people. The first frame I chose presents the titles font and style. Here we wanted the audience to absorb that the film has an eerie and dark feeling which is evident through the font.
Frame 2 – Setting/location We had multiple locations a forest, house and park. The forest location was used because its mysterious as its quite dark and your isolated from everything inside. The park location is a place which , usually represents safety and security. The house location is a place which , usually represents safety and security.
Frame 3 – costume and props The Protagonist is just an ordinary family man so he is dressed quite typical and shows that he is a adult not a child. As a team we wanted to have the main actor, myself in black ordinary attire as he is just an ordinary person and we wanted that to come across which, was very important to us that we did.
Frame 4 – camerawork and editing Here shows an example of the camera work and editing used in the film, The Hunt. This shot shows an over the shoulder view so we can see exactly what the protagonist is doing so it helps the audience feel more immersed in his story and also the dark lighting combined with the light from the laptop shows that he only has one thing on his mind.
Frame 5 – title font & style The font style that was chosen was bold with a clear line through it, which was there to represent violence and make it look cooler. When the titles appear they come up and shake, before changing colour, from white to red. This could show or represent a character dying.
Frame 6 – story and how the OTS sets it up The story is about crime which has been committed involving the protagonists family. He is in a clear bad place which shows the audience that he may have been through a traumatic experience. The story of our film is dark and mysterious, with elements of mystery which make it a typical thriller story. We included family pictures in the OTS, to give the audience a better idea of what could have happened.
Frame 7 – Genre and how the OTS suggests it The genre of out OTS is thriller, which is shown in the piece in many different ways. Our character is a normal guy in an extraordinary situation, something that happens in thriller films consistently. The locations used in our OTS also help show that our piece is a part of the thriller genre, with a secluded forest, keeping the audience on edge, and a dark house, a place that is meant to be safe but instead due to the dark, make it scarier. Credit - joe coquet
Frame 8 – how characters are introduced This frame shows how both the characters are introduced to our opening title sequence, this is important as it establishes the scene and the mood. Our character is introduced in a dark room on a laptop. This suggests he is a normal man, but as you see more and more of the room, you quickly see that he isn’t a normal character. You don’t see his whole face for a good portion of the OTS, which adds a mysterious aspect to his identity. His name also isn’t disclosed in the OTS.
Frame 9 – special effects We did not use very many special affects because this a low budget film but we did fade between scenes quite a lot because we felt it was an effective way to keep the OTS flowing and to keep it entertaining. To show the character having flashbacks, and being confused about what is reality and what isn’t real. Other effects like our titles being shaken and the title coming up with a gunshot was also used.