WHAT IS GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION? An EU wide regulation about the way organisations must behave when using your personal data It is combatting those unscrupulous organisations that hack into data, with the intention to use it in corrupt fashion or sell it on It also is aimed at making sure all legitimate organisations handle data in a responsible fashion so that it remains protected and confidential
WHAT IS THE RELEVANCE TO CREWE & DISTRICT? All organisations that handle personal data must ensure they do it correctly We have some personal data in our data base and we make it accessible through the web site – so it applies to us We need to be sure we are compliant and that you are confident that your data is safe with us
WHAT IS THE DATA WE ARE TALKING ABOUT? Personal data is anything that can be used to trace back to an individual that ought not to be made available unless the owner wants it to be - so: Email address, DOB, address, phone numbers, photos, match scores on scoresheets, club and team registration, BE number, tournament record, player statistics These are all the things we use that refer to you as an individual
HOW DO WE USE IT? To ensure that your registration is correctly managed in terms of Badminton England, club, teams To inform you of news and events via email, and respond to any mail you send us To record your scores in matches To provide you with a playing performance that we can also use to handicap from (for John Ford, Masters, Handicap) To record your tournament winners history
SO IS THE DATA SECURE AND PROTECTED? Yes it is – our webmaster has designed special protection routines that only allow people with the right permission to look at the data and manage it We use a secure internet service that prevents data being intercepted We are a ‘closed shop’, in that we do not import data from anywhere and we don’t export it to anywhere. What is in C&D stays in C&D You and Club officials maintain your data so it is accurate
SO SHOULD YOU DO ANYTHING? Not really – but the things you can do are: Insist on being able to see what data we have in C&D. If you ask we will show you. Club officials can show you that, and league officials also Tell us if there is anything you do not want to be made public – let’s just say email address. If so then we have to make that inaccessible.
SO SHOULD YOU DO ANYTHING? You can also Instruct us to erase any data we have that you decide you don’t want recorded. We have to do that, so club or league officials will sort that out Instruct corrections to be made if the data is wrong – club officials can do that and you can manage your own data Choose not to receive our communications
SO IS THIS A SONG AND DANCE ABOUT NOTHING? Definitely not. Modern cyber security is fighting a constant battle against hacking for gain. If data gets into the wrong hands: bank accounts can be fleeced, you are sold things you don’t want, you are harangued by people trying to con you, your emails disappear and you receive pleas for cash to be sent to Outer Mongolia. It is real but it can be prevented. Crewe and District is not a particularly lucrative place for hackers, our contact details are probably the most valuable, but we do not want to become another headline and there is no reason to think we will so long as we all fulfil our responsibilities properly