Ofsted Pilot 13- 14 March 2019 Helen Dixon
Quality of Education Intent Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness Implementation Curriculum delivery Teaching (pedagogy) Assessment (formative and summative) Impact Attainment and progress (formerly pupil outcomes) Reading Destinations
In practice, this means being clear on your answers to 3 key questions What are you trying to achieve through your curriculum? (Intent) How is your curriculum being delivered? (Implementation) What difference is your curriculum making? (Impact)
Deep dives 4 departments chosen by the Lead - English, Maths, Science, History No other subjects seen in 2 days
Ideal Sequence Meeting with Head of Department alone for curriculum discussion Observing with HOD Work scrutiny with inspector and HOD Pupil discussion of learning - Key Stage 3 and 4 for that subject with books Meeting with rest of department without HOD
Meetings with SLT Meeting 1 - Big picture. Strengths and weaknesses of the school. All inspectors and SLT Safeguarding and single central register Teaching and Learning and CPD Curriculum Assessment Behaviour and Attitudes
Meeting with other staff SENCO Literacy Co-ordinator Numeracy Co-ordinator Enrichment Careers and destinations PSHE NQTS Trainees
Meeting with Students KS3 and 4 with department focus Key Stage 3 / 4/ 5 - general conversation Student council Sixth form leadership team Drop in to personal development time (Year 7 + 9) Collective Worship
Data No attainment / progress data was looked at by the team Exclusion data and behaviour data was looked at