By : Justin Williams Class : Financial Literacy Collaborative Media : By : Justin Williams Class : Financial Literacy
During Highschool : Your choices in high school and after high school mean greatly to your future . By the choices you make , your either going to live a stress full life or things are going to go by in a breeze . ITS YOUR CHOICE ! As long as you know what your getting yourself into . Because , you don’t want to over do it and pick so many difficult classes at one time , and at the same time , you don’t want to under preform and not do enough to stick out . Its VERY IMPORTANT in high school to “ stick out “ ; meaning getting really good grades , studying hard , and doing extracurricular activities . Because , eventually , in the long run , its all going to be worth it .
Advantages ( of after high school life choices ) Some advantages of after-high school life choices would simply be the fact that if you make the right choices , such as picking out the colleges that you want to go to early , and thinking about what type of career or pathway you want to explore , or if you think about what you want to do in life in-general then you are already setting yourself up for success . Just by planning things out early and making sure you fit the requirements for said college or said life style . As long as you make the right choices early , you'll be fine in high school and definitely after high school . Remember , your choices follow you EVERYWHERE !
Traditional University : Advantage : Much more knowledge and experience in solving problems and finding problems in the real world . Increased pay depending on your degree . More Options Disadvantage : The Cost of going to college is pretty high , and that will definitely follow you throughout your young adult life . You don’t always NEED a degree to get the “ job “ you want. And , you your just delaying your own real world experiences .
Technical School : Advantage : You get hands-on experience with many things technical . Shorter Duration . Meaning you wont have to go to college as long . Disadvantage : Limited Flexibility with certain classes . And , A LOT of add-on costs associated with getting more classes/degrees.
Military/Job/Working : Advantage : You get to experience the real world . You get to learn a lot about different things . You get to travel to some places without TOTAL restriction . Disadvantage : You really wont be guaranteed a job . You get minimum wage pay . And , you don’t have that much experience with anything knowledge wise .
Traveling/Gap Year : Advantage : You get to experience life , the world , and many other things . You get to do whatever you honestly feel like doing without having to worry about school . You get time to change yourself in a personal and physical way . And , you get to get things done that you normally couldn’t get done while in school . Disadvantage : You miss out on a college education . You don’t get to experience college . You don’t really know what's in store . And , the longer you take , the harder its going to be for you to get into college at a certain age .