1st Grade George W. Carver Elementary School 2015-2016 Inspiring… Empowering… And Educating! Every Teacher Every Child ConnectED! George W. Carver Elementary School 2015-2016
Morning Arrival Breakfast begins at 7:15 No breakfast served after 7:45. Teachers are on duty at 7:15. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:15! 1st bell rings at 7:45. School begins at 7:45 (tardy at 7:50) Please walk your child in if they are tardy.
Reading Research-based Reading Street (System-Wide) Individualized Reading Instruction that includes phonics, comprehension, oral language, vocabulary, (high frequency words) and fluency. We recommend reading for at least 20 minutes each night.
The Envision math program by Scott Foresman and Addison-Wesley is an innovative program that can help students of a variety of levels achieve their best in mathematics studies. Math Each day the students will have math instruction via Envision Mathematics.
Science & Social Studies Science and Social Studies will be taught throughout the year. Projects may be assigned to help students gain a better understanding of concepts that are being taught.
P. E. The students go to P.E. everyday. They are required to wear sneakers or tennis shoes to P.E. The students are encouraged to be on their best behavior being that there are multiple classes in gym at one time.
Lunch We would love for you to join us for an occasional lunch. Please make sure to let us know in advance if you are coming and if you would like a school lunch. NO fast food items may be brought on campus.
Recess Recess is spent outside on most days on the playground unless there are extreme weather conditions.
Afternoon Dismissal Dismissal begins at 2:45 Car and daycare van riders may be picked up in the school’s cafeteria. You must send a written note if there is ever a change in your child’s daily dismissal/transportation.
Homework Daily Binders or Folders Need to be returned everyday! Items in the “Keep at Home” pocket are for you to keep – please do not send them back to school. Items in the “Return to School” pocket should be returned to school on the next school day. Please check and sign (or initial) the behavior sheet each day – this is also where we will write (or attach) any necessary correspondences, including your child’s behavior.
Classroom Management Clip system Tickets Behavior Celebrations Students will be asked to join every nine weeks based on their behavior.
Grading Scale A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% and below Report cards are issued every nine weeks and progress reports are issued at the midterm of each nine weeks.
Communication Teaches will communicate in a variety of ways. Many first grade teachers use daily behavior sheet which indicates your child’s behavior for the day. Students who receive comments such as talking, playing or not following directions are exhibiting negative behavior. Please speak with them as soon as you notice these behaviors so that they won’t become a problem.
Communication Absences Money A note must be sent within 3 days or the absence is considered unexcused. Ten unexcused absences can cause your child to be retained in the first grade. Money All money needs to be sent in an envelope or baggie with both your child’s name and purpose on it. (For example: field trip, book fair, etc.)
Of Special Concern Medical Situations If your child has a medical condition that requires alternate activities or onsite medication, please let me know immediately. All medications must have a medical form completed and kept in the office. If your child has any allergies, please get a dietary form from the cafeteria. *It is urgent that we have a working phone number in case of an emergency. I f your number should change, please let us know immediately.
Field Trips Field trips will be discussed at a later date.
Volunteer in our Classroom! Volunteers P.T.A. Room Parents Book Fairs/Field Trips Tutoring Opportunities Reading to our class Special Snacks Science Experiments Volunteer in our Classroom!
Thank You For Your Commit “Mint” To Your Child’s Education!! for taking the time to attend Open House! We look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities! Thank You For Your Commit “Mint” To Your Child’s Education!!