Grandview Elementary-06 Message from the Principal Cougar News April 2019 Reminder Important Dates If your child is testing, please make sure s/he is in school and on time during testing week! 4/1-4/5: 3rd Grade Testing 4/10: 5th Grade Science Testing 4/15-4/19: No School Spring Break 4/22-4/26: 5th Grade Testing 4/26: All City Music Memory Competition Contact Us Ph: (605) 394-1829 Like Us on Facebook Grandview Elementary-06 Message from the Principal Next year is going to be very exciting at Grandview! Earlier this year, a group of teachers and I began to look at the possibility of trying something new in order to benefit both students and teachers. With a “why” in mind, we were able to reallocate staff so students will be able to have at least one hour of STEAM programming per week beginning next year! In addition, our 4th and 5th grade will look a little different. We will have 3 teachers in both 4th and 5th grade, along with a 4/5 combination classroom. Students in the six 4th and 5th grade classrooms will have different teachers for the subjects of Literacy, Math, and Social Studies/Science. Students in the 4/5 combo room will not be switching teachers for different subjects, but will have the same experiences of the other students. By specializing by subjects, the goal is to provide more engaging and relevant lessons to enhance student learning. More information will follow. Also, we will be moving to a Blue and White schedule next year for all students. This allows for all students to receive one hour of either STEAM and PE or Music and IMS every day! As we get closer to the end of the year, we will be sending home some information as to what to expect with these changes. Finally, in the 2019/2020 school year, each grade level will have one half day per month (with the exception of May) of activities at the Outdoor Campus. These activities will be based on science, PE, and STEAM standards. It is our hope to provide kids with some additional hands on activities at this awesome site and in the beautiful South Dakota outdoors!