Plants and Animals: It’s Survival Out There! prepack Plants and Animals: It’s Survival Out There! Hey guys… Before coming out to the Discovery Zone why not introduce yourself to some of the cool words we will be using.
Why is the stem so important to the plant? 4-LS1-1 prepack structure – arrangement or organization of parts The wing is an important structure of the bird, allowing it to move. Why is the stem so important to the plant? The stem is an important structure of the plant.
Why does the snake sun itself? 4-LS1-1 prepack Behavior – the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment Snakes have an important behavior during winter called sunning. Bears have an unusual behavior during winter called hibernation. Why does the snake sun itself? Cold-blooded creatures depend on the environment around them to control their body temperature. Lizards bask in the morning sun to raise their internal body temperature.
Can you name 3 internal structures in the human body? prepack internal – of or located on the inside. The baby’s internal temperature is 98.6 degrees F. Can you name 3 internal structures in the human body?
4PS3-2 prepack External – located, seen, or used on the outside or surface of something The external layer of skin is called the epidermis.
All living things must reproduce to keep their species alive! 3LS1-1 prepack reproduction – the process that produces babies, young animals, or new plants The pumpkin plant reproduced another plant with its seed. All living things must reproduce to keep their species alive!
What would be the function of the porcupine’s heart? 4PS3-2 prepack function – the reason in which an object or a process occurs in a system (what it does or what it’s used for) The function of porcupine’s quills are to protect it from predators. What would be the function of the porcupine’s heart? But, I just wanted to play! OUCH!
What would be a nutritious choice for a snack? 4PS3-2 prepack Nutrition – taking in the food necessary for health and growth There isn’t much nutrition in fried potato chips. What would be a nutritious choice for a snack?
Remember these things when you Come out to the Discovery Zone. 4-LS1-1 prepack Remember these things when you Come out to the Discovery Zone. We’ll see you soon!