SEO in 2010 January 21 st, 2010 Steve Thomas President, The Net Impact
SEO is Always Changing! If you are following a best practice that dates back to 2008 or earlier, toss it away. Its now wrong. SES Chicago 2009
New Web – Real Time Search will be customized, personalized, and targeted to us and our contexts: who we are and where and when we are asking for something. Jeff Jarvis, author of What Would Google Do?
Old Web – Static Permanent (static) pages, links, articles You seeking out news & information Only optimizing your website content Goal for SERP was be on page 1 Inbound links quantity to site important
New Web – Real Time Content must be dynamic and fresh If information is important, it will find you Optimize all distribution Search engines now integrate social network postings into search results in near real time
New Web – Real Time Goal today is still page 1, but in top 3 listings Also, ranking is losing its meaning due to 1.Personalized search results 2.Geotargeted search results Real goals are traffic and conversion Link popularity has a powerful effect for all online branding - including social content Links also bring traffic on their own Most undervalued service offered in SEO
How Does New Web Impact SEO? Google's job: give most relevant listings on top Determines best known sites by REPUTATION Sites with established REPUTATION (older domains with older links) do better at first than most newcomers – just like in real life REPUTATION is built by incoming links to excellent content Higher click-through rate Longer site "stickiness Recent changes to content No substitute for hard work – or money Search engine marketing is finally real!
Future Web - Mixed Media SERPs Social search is the new frontier. SES Chicago 2009 New Challenges Adding video and dynamic content means that loading speed is an important differentiator Local results, social results and mixed media can take up the majority of the first page
Classic Search
Blended Search - Mixed Media
Blended Search – Local & Mixed
Future Web - Tailored to You Future of news – streaming articles, blogs, twitter feeds and more, compiled and prioritized to fit your needs Example: Google Wave
Individualized Testing – Analytics for ONE Future Web - Tailored to You
Future Web - Mobile Devices In 2008, 5.2M people were searching from their mobile device, growing to 56.2M in 2013 More than 65 million users access Facebook through their mobile device Google Goggle – integrates mobile device pictures with a place or object for search SES Chicago 2009 Notes
Future Web - Mobile Devices Average consumer has six web enabled devices with access to two at any given checklist SES Chicago December 2009
New Web - SEO 2010 Personal, Social Media Feeds, Facebook, Twitter, Mobile Solutions, Flickr, Blended Search, Iphone Aps, Widgets, Google Goggle, Local Search, Droid, Geo-targeting, Load Speed, REPUTATION, Linking, Video, Real Time, Content Syndication, Blogs, Analytics, Google Wave, Dynamic Content, Individualized Testing for Conversion
Thank You! Steve Thomas President, The Net Impact
Thank You! Steve Thomas President, The Net Impact Note: Many slides in this presentation are reproduced courtesy of the Search Engine Strategy organization recent session in Chicago. Other contain quotes from speakers or notes from our attendees. I have attempted to give due credit where possible.
Follow Up Steve Thomas President, The Net Tools and suggested online reading: TOOLS TO CONNECT SOCIAL MEDIA: There are a lot of point to point aps for Facebook to Twitter and Facebook to linked In. Linked In even has a built in Twitter feed in the network update box. Also we have a Twitter feed tool we install in blogs though Wordpress has a plug-in for that. There are also plug-ins and aps for Flickr (myFlickr as an example) and Youtube to combine blog posts and Facebook. Just do a simple search and read the reviews to see which ones work best for your needs. is the most recognized free tool for coordinating all communication. It does require a single address and it doesnt handle Flickr or Youtube. Many tool exist for managing individual accounts like Tweetdeck (still my favorite) for multiple Twitter accouns that can link to FB if you want. Also check our SEOMOZ for other free or near free web marketing tools: SUGGESTED READING FOR SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE STRATEGY: AMA Marketing Power (great online seminars for members): Matt Cutts (Google) Marketing Sherpa SEOMOZ newsletters and blogs: SEMPO Thank you all for attending!