Australian Cereal Rust Control Program Consultative Committee March 22nd 2012 Off-shore rust testing Professor Robert F. Park
Off-shore rust testing – Ug99 testing at Njoro, Kenya 2
“Ug99” – what and where? “Ug99” has spread to: Kenya Sudan Ethiopia Image courtesy of Dr D. Hodson, CIMMYT Data sources: AAFC, Canada; Uni Free State, South Africa; USDA-ARS CDL, USA “Ug99” has spread to: Kenya Sudan Ethiopia Eritrea Yemen Iran Tanzania Zimbabwe Mozambique South Africa Six mutant derivative races have been detected 3
Off-shore rust testing – barley stripe rust testing at CIMMYT 4
Off-shore rust testing – Ausvar (Grant Hollaway) CIMMYT 2011 AUSVAR set (92 lines incl. durum and trits) sent to CIMMYT, assessed for Yr (Sybil) and Septoria tritici (Andrew Milgate). Races: Pst RACE MEX96.11 and Mex08.13 Results are available on NVT website as part of the 2011 AUSVAR/NVT results New Zealand AUSVAR was going through quarantine during 2011, field testing during 2012. Ability to send Australian lines directly to New Zealand for field testing is unlikely due to the presence of high plains virus in Australia. United Kingdom Paul Fenwick (Limagrain UK) has offered to test AUSVAR set in the field, UK 2012. Feedback from the ACRCP CC - should we proceed with this, will the data be of value? 5
Off-shore rust testing Ravi Singh to facilitate testing of: barley germplasm to stripe rust in Mexico wheat testing for stripe rust and leaf rust in Mexico - durum wheat testing for leaf rust response Ug99 testing in Kenya Other opportunites: barley striipe rust testing in India, DWR (seedling, Shimla; adult plant, Karnal) Ug99 testing in South Africa (Zac Pretorius, Greytown; also WYR) etc 6
Off-shore rust testing – Ravi, 2012 - 2017
© University of Sydney