Safeguarding & Protecting Children If you think a child or vulnerable adult within your club/organisation is suffering from abuse don’t wait, act promptly and report your concern. Local Contacts Buckinghamshire If you think a child or young person under the age of 18 years is being abused or neglected, please inform the Buckinghamshire County Council’s First Response Team. Telephone: 0845 4600001 / Local Rate: 01296 383962 / Out of Hours: 0800 999 7677 If you have concerns about the safety of a vulnerable adult please inform Buckinghamshire Careline. Telephone: 0800 137 915 / Out of Hours: 0800 999 767 Email: Milton Keynes If you think a child or young person under the age of 18 is being abused or neglected, please inform Referral and Assessment Team. Telephone: 01908 253169/70 / Out of Hours: 01908 265545 Email: If you have concerns about the safety of a vulnerable adult contact the Milton Keynes Council Adult Social Care Team: Telephone: 0800 137 915 Email:
Safeguarding & Protecting Children National Contacts NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 or email (Alternative contact to report a concern) ChildLine: 0800 1111 (free helpline for children and young people to call to talk about any problem) Leap Safeguarding Officer: Mark Stokes Telephone: 01296 585204 E-mail: If a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger call the police on 99.