Diagram of the posterolateral view of the laryngeal skeleton (right thyroid lamina removed) shows the PCA muscle (middle arrow) arising from the cricoid.


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Presentation transcript:

Diagram of the posterolateral view of the laryngeal skeleton (right thyroid lamina removed) shows the PCA muscle (middle arrow) arising from the cricoid lamina (lower arrow) posteriorly and inserting on the arytenoid cartilage (upper arrow). Diagram of the posterolateral view of the laryngeal skeleton (right thyroid lamina removed) shows the PCA muscle (middle arrow) arising from the cricoid lamina (lower arrow) posteriorly and inserting on the arytenoid cartilage (upper arrow). Reproduced from (5) with permission Laura Vitale Romo, and Hugh D. Curtin AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1999;20:467-471 ©1999 by American Society of Neuroradiology