Psalm 139 You have dug into my life, Lord God, and know me utterly. I’m an open book to you. My sitting down and my standing up – you know that! My hunches and mind-wanderings – you are sensitive to from far away. 3. My just walking around and my lying down you surround with your presence. Every one of my quirks, I see, you are intimately familiar with:
There is not a word on my tongue that you, Lord God, do not know exactly. Behind me and ahead of me, you have held me tight. You lay your hand upon me. 6. it’s all too extraordinary, it’s beyond me! I can’t understand such attention!
Is there anywhere I could wander where your spirit would not be? 8. Is there any place I could run away from your being nearby? Were I to take the wings of the red early morning sky and let myself drift way down to the most remote spot of the sea 10. even there your hand could touch me your right arm would hold me tight.
Talking to myself I said, but the Dark, an unhappy gloom might cover me from sight; the Night, I’m afraid, will swallow me up- 12. But Darkness is not darkness with you, and Night is as shining as day, 13. because you created my very insides! You delicately braided me together inside the womb of my mother –
I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 15. You know my self to the core my finest bones are not invisible to you. Your eyes saw me when an unformed child. 17. O God! how unfathomable to me are your doings; Were I to count them up they would number more than the grains of sand on New River beach…..