Joy despite …… Philippians 1:12-26 Difficulty (12-14) Detractors (15-18) Death (19-21) De Flesh (22-26) As long as Christ’s- Cause progressed Name proclaimed Glorified Church benefits
Joy despite …. Part 1 Difficulty (12-14) “Progress of the Gospel” Circumstances added to - 2 Cor. 12:9,10 Paul lived passionately - Acts 20:24 Resistance is inherent to - 1 Thess. 2:18 ; 1 John 2:15,16 ; Acts 24:27 ; 1 Cor. 16:9 ; 1 Thess. 2:2 ; 2 Tim. 2:8-10 Most willing to pay because trials further -
Joy despite …. Part 1 Difficulty (continued) Bonds of Paul Chains were divinely planned Chains were distinctly productive Palace guard (10,000) Many others Tacitus tells of many converts
Joy despite …. Part 1 Difficulty (continued) Boldness of the Brothers Increase in # of converts Increase in # of witnesses Increase in their boldness (courage) Decrease in fear
Joy despite …. Part 1 Detractors (15-18) Contrast Discernment of the difference Some from envy and strife Some from good will Discussion of the difference Contention, insincerity, affliction Love & support for defense of Gospel
Joy despite …. Part 1 Detractors (continued) Discussion of the difference Contention, insincerity, affliction Selfish ambition / pretense Love and support for defense of the Gospel Pure motives / truth
Joy despite …. Part 1 Detractors (continued) Summary : As long as Christ is preached I will rejoice! I will say it again, I will rejoice!
Joy despite …. Part 1 Application 1 In your difficulties are you seeing the big picture … from God’s point of view?
Joy despite …. Part 1 Application 2 Are your difficulties in life being used to further the Gospel?