Principal Investigator ESTCP Selection Meeting TITLE OF PROJECT PROPOSAL NUMBER Principal Investigator PI’s Organization ESTCP Selection Meeting DATE
Project Team List the PI and co-performer(s) names and organization(s). If you are executing your project with no co-performers, this slide is not required. 1 slide NOTE: This template provides recommendations as to the number of slides needed for each section of the brief. Regardless of the number of slides you ultimately use, plan that your brief will be no more than 30 minutes uninterrupted (not including your backup slides).
Cost Estimate Provide a table that summarizes the requested ESTCP funds by performer by fiscal year. Cost should be listed in thousands of dollars ($K) and rounded to the nearest thousand. Performer FY20 ($K) FY21 ($K) FY22 ($K) Performer 1 75 100 Performer 2 Performer 3 50 Total 225 250 Grand Total 700 Leveraged Funding (direct or in kind support)
Problem Statement Clearly state the environmental problem the technology or methodology demonstration is addressing and its relevance and importance to DoD. Identify the current approach (if one exists) to this problem and its shortcomings. 1 slide
Technical Objectives Briefly describe the technical objective(s) of your demonstration project overall. 1 slide
Technology/Methodology Description Describe the technology or methodology in sufficient detail to provide an accurate and factual understanding of its theory, functionality, and operation. As appropriate, provide an overall schematic or flow diagram. Discuss how the technology or methodology is innovative. 1 slide
Technology/Methodology Maturity Provide evidence that the technology or methodology is mature enough for demonstration (include references and past funding history). Provide a brief description of any previous related demonstrations. Summarize data and studies justifying the expected performance. Discuss any additional development, design, field, or laboratory work that is required prior to demonstration. 1 slide
Technical Approach Provide a detailed overview of how the project will be conducted to address the technical objectives. Include a brief description of the proposed demonstration site(s), if known. If the site has not yet been selected, discuss required site characteristics for an optimal demonstration. Provide the performance objectives. Provide a broad overview of the test design. Discuss the scope of proposed demonstration and relate the planned data collection to the performance objectives. Include a description of the data analyses that will be conducted to determine whether the success criteria for the performance objectives have been met. 5-10 slides This section should be the focus of the presentation. Additional descriptors are included in the full proposal instructions for all sections.
Related Efforts Provide information on any relationship to other similar projects. Identify funding sources for these efforts. 1 slide
Expected DoD Benefit Describe the expected benefit in terms of environmental impact and/or reduced cost, as applicable. Assess the environmental benefit per site or implementation and the expected aggregate benefit for DoD. Provide realistic projections of the number of DoD sites or facilities where the technology or methodology can be deployed. Discuss how the information obtained from the demonstration will enable adoption of the technology or methodology throughout DoD. Estimate the expected return on investment (cost of implementation versus savings) and the time for payback. Discuss the life cycle cost and advantages over current approaches, if one exists. 1 slide
Schedule of Milestones Provide a project schedule with expected milestones and deliverables for the duration of the project in the form of a Gantt chart (example below). Ensure all required ESTCP deliverables are included, in accordance with the full proposal instructions. Tasks Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 1. Title 2. Title 3. Title 4. Title 5. Reporting * DP FR DP – Demonstration Plan FR – Final Report * Identify any decisions points.
Schedule of Milestones (continued) Explicitly identify any development, design, baseline characterization, field, laboratory, or treatability work that is required prior to demonstration. Estimate the time required for the demonstration. Include the planned initiation and completion dates for critical events, including but not limited to equipment installation, monitoring, fieldwork, data analysis, and other key activities as appropriate. Include expected submission dates to the ESTCP Office for the first draft and completed final document for Demonstration Plans and Final Reports. Separate first draft and final submission dates by a two-month period to allow time for ESTCP review.
Technology Transition Describe the method by which the technology or methodology will be transitioned to end user(s) or commercialized. Specify how technology transfer methods will differ to reach appropriate audiences (i.e., regulators, consultants, etc.). Describe any proposed guidance documents that will assist in future implementation (i.e., guidance, design, and/or protocol documents). Explicitly identify potential first DoD users and follow-on implementation. Identify any DoD or service programs that are responsible for technology or methodology implementation or relevant requirements or regulations that will effect transition. If there are known institutional or regulatory barriers that will affect the transition, describe them in this section along with recommendations for addressing these barriers. 1-2 slides
Backup Slides
ESTCP Review Comments Provide a summary of the ESTCP review comments and responses. Include any other support material.
Technical Risks Identify potential issues of concern and technical risks in taking the technology or methodology from the research phase to proposed scale of demonstration. Identify any assumptions that have been made that, if not realized, could impact the successful implementation of the project. Discuss how risks will be managed. If the demonstration is not at full scale, discuss any scale-up issues that will remain at the conclusion of a successful demonstration. 1 slide