Instructions: Add your evidence in parts A, B and C Decorate each slide any way you like Complete the form on the last slide Send your finished presentation to Your Arts Award Adviser is: Katie Carmichael Dyslexia Scotland Arts Award Centre no. 65746
My Arts Award By (Your name here)
This is me taking part in arts activities: Part A – take part This is me taking part in arts activities: Insert a photo, video or recording of you taking part in arts activities – or an example of your art
The artist I am finding out about is: Types of artist: Painter Illustrator Actor Musician Poet Film-maker Dancer Photographer Animator Song writer Fashion designer Crafter …. Any others who make things in a creative way Part B – find out The artist I am finding out about is: Type their name or paste their photo here This is what I found out: Type or insert a recording or a video file telling us what you found out about the artist
Share your art with others. Show us how you shared your art. Part C – share Share your art with others. Show us how you shared your art. Show us or tell us how you shared your art with others. You can share your art with one person, or lots of people. You can share your art by showing it to friends and family, or by sending it to Dyslexia Scotland for our website or magazine.
My details My name is: My date of birth is: I have permission from (name of adult here) for Dyslexia Scotland to share my name and date of birth with Trinity College London so they can issue a certificate for my Arts Award. Send the finished presentation to