Source: IEEE Access. (2019/05/13). DOI: /ACCESS


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Presentation transcript:

High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Bit Plane Partition and MSB Prediction Source: IEEE Access. (2019/05/13). DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2916355. Authors:HAO-TIAN WU 1, (Senior Member, IEEE), ZHIYUAN YANG1,YIU-MING CHEUNG 2, (Fellow, IEEE), LINGLING XU1, AND SHAOHUA TANG1, (Member, IEEE) Speaker:Lin Li (李琳) Date: 2019/07/04

Outline Introduction Related works Proposed scheme Experimental results Conclusions

Introduction (1/3) 1.The growth of cloud-based applications 2.Data outsourcing is one of the fields where the users are dependent on cloud for processing and storage. 3.Security concern of the data, owners using encryption for the cover image. 4.For the sake of management (using timestamp, tagging, image source information, etc.) of the encrypted media, 5.The data hider embeds some additional data into the encrypted image. 6.To achieve security and reversibility, the technique of RDH is used in the encrypted.

Introduction (2/3)

Introduction (3/3) A flowchart of the proposed scheme applied with a stream cipher.

Related Works --RDH based on Bit Plane Partition prediction Method (1/4) ns nl nr ng Embed: Extract and Recover:

Related Works --RDH based on Bit Plane Partition prediction Method (2/4) [9] H.-T. Wu and J. Huang, ‘‘Reversible image watermarking on prediction errors by efficient histogram modification,’’ Signal Process., vol. 92, no. 12, pp. 3000–3009, Dec. 2012.

Related Works --RDH based on Bit Plane Partition prediction Method (3/4) Overflow or underflow: :

Related Works --RDH based on Bit Plane Partition prediction Method (4/4) PSNR: Decrease in PSNR value: Efficiency:

Related Works --The MSB Prediction Method (1/4) predictor Computed from the previous scanned neighbors Principle: prediction value is closed to original pixel value than the inverse pixel value [28] P. Puteaux and W. Puech, ‘‘An efficient MSB prediction-based method for high-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images,’’ IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1670–1681, Jul. 2018.

Related Works --The MSB Prediction Method (2/4) ... 78 65 154 50 55 ... 78 64 154 50 55 Binary map ... … 1

Related Works --The MSB Prediction Method (3/4) One bit of message after encrypted Embedding into available pixel Message after encrypted: …01110… … 01100101 11110000 10110111 10001100 00010101 ...

Related Works --The MSB Prediction Method (4/4) High-capacity reversible data hiding approach with embedded of prediction errors Prediction error Original image I Error location binary map Modify and Flag the binary map Beginning flag End flag MSB in the image

Proposed Scheme (1/3) Does not introduce great visual distortions (b) Have less correlations between neighboring pixels. Illustration of bit plane partition on test image “Lena”. (a) The 8-bit image by setting the last two bit planes to zeros. (b) Image generated by multiplying the last two bit planes with 64.

Proposed Scheme (2/3) Divide I into two parts: the less significant bit planes and the more significant bit planes. Embed the bit values in I1 and the compressed location map and other auxiliary data into I2 by adopting the RDH algorithm in [9]. [9] H.-T. Wu and J. Huang, ‘‘Reversible image watermarking on prediction errors by efficient histogram modification,’’ Signal Process., vol. 92, no. 12, pp. 3000–3009, Dec. 2012. Bit plane partition of a grayscale image with the size of M × N.

Proposed Scheme (3/3) a). Predict the pixels in white with those in black. b). Change the prediction error to embed data. c). Apply the four prediction in succession. d). Modify a pixel at most by ±3. e). Pre-calculated and compressed a binary location map with the Lossless JBIG2 to prevent the overflow and underflow problem.

Experimental Result (1/6)

Experimental Result (2/6)

Experimental Result (3/6)

Experimental Result (4/6)

Experimental Result (5/6)

Experimental Result (6/6)

Conclusions The more significant bit planes are used to hide the data in the less significant bit planes. The redundancy in plain-text images is better utilized. Higher embedding capacity and better image quality can be simultaneously obtained. The MSB prediction method has been employed to further increase the embedding capacity. Hiding capacity outperforms the mentioned state-of-the-art approaches.

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