Effect of volatiles from bed bug-exposed paper on male and female starved and engorged Cimex lectularius in the presence and absence of bed bug-exposed.


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Presentation transcript:

Effect of volatiles from bed bug-exposed paper on male and female starved and engorged Cimex lectularius in the presence and absence of bed bug-exposed paper in Still-air olfactometer II. Bars represent the mean differences in (A) visits to pots (s.e.d. 3.009 visits) and (B) time spent in zones (in seconds, s.e.d. 203.2 s) between odour and no-odour pots and zones (O–NO). Effect of volatiles from bed bug-exposed paper on male and female starved and engorged Cimex lectularius in the presence and absence of bed bug-exposed paper in Still-air olfactometer II. Bars represent the mean differences in (A) visits to pots (s.e.d. 3.009 visits) and (B) time spent in zones (in seconds, s.e.d. 203.2 s) between odour and no-odour pots and zones (O–NO). Values are means ± s.e.m. F-test: (A) F1,67=0.17, P=0.683 and (B) F1,67=0.35, P=0.554. E. N. I. Weeks et al. J Exp Biol 2013;216:460-469 © 2013.