A, In a patient with a history of breast cancer surgery and radiation treatment with right-arm weakness, axial T2WI shows diffuse thickening of the right PBL with no associated hyperintensity (arrow). A, In a patient with a history of breast cancer surgery and radiation treatment with right-arm weakness, axial T2WI shows diffuse thickening of the right PBL with no associated hyperintensity (arrow). B and C, Pre- (B) and postcontrast (C) axial T1WIs show minimal contrast enhancement of the thickened right BPL fibers with no associated nodularity (arrows). Findings are suggestive of radiation fibrosis rather than metastasis. A. Aralasmak et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2010;31:410-417 ©2010 by American Society of Neuroradiology