An Inspirational Story


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Presentation transcript:

An Inspirational Story Peter An Inspirational Story

Peter’s call to discipleship Peter speaks out of ignorance and fear Luke 5:1-11 Peter speaks out of ignorance and fear Mark 9:2-7 Mark 8:31-33 Mark 14:27-31 Peter’s lack of faith Matthew 14:22-32 Peter’s hypocrisy Galatians 2:11-13

Peter’s boldness and confession Matthew 16:13-16 John 6:66-69 Acts 4:1-3, 8-12, 18-20 Acts 5:28-29 Peter’s close relationship with Jesus Mark 5:37 Mark 9:2 Mark 14:32-33

Peter’s biggest failure and restoration Mark 14: 27-33, 37-38, 50, 66-72 John 21: 15-19 Peter’s peace, Our peace…in Christ 2 Peter 3:13-15 God forgives, when we repent Psalm 51