Issue #429: OTSI SIP spec Current definition is unclear: It is not clear to me which information is being provided by this spec. What I would expect is a frequency grid that defines the possible set of central frequencies that are available for being configured, but currently, there are two different lists for specifying central frequencies.
Proposed changes - YANG grouping otsi-capability-pac { list supportable-central-frequency-spectrum-band { leaf lower-central-frequency { type uint64; description "The lower central frequency can be tuned in the laser specified in MHz. It is the oscillation frequency of the corresponding electromagnetic wave. "; } leaf upper-central-frequency { description "The lower central frequency can be tuned in the laser specified in MHz. It is the oscillation frequency of the corresponding electromagnetic wave. "; container frequency-constraint { uses frequency-constraint; description "none"; config false; description "Each spectrum band supported for otsi transmitter to be tuned on, is specified as per it's lower and upper central frequencies supported and its frequency constraints, consisting in the frequency Grid and the AdjustmentGranularity, used to uniquely identify all central frequencies supported within the band.";
Proposed changes - TREE Three frequency bands with different adjustment-granularities. There might be different OTSi constraints depending on the frequency band e.g., C & L bands.
Usage examples 193.1THz 193.2625 THz 193.1THz 193.2625 THz 193.1THz 6.25GHz 25GHz 50GHz 193.1THz 193.2625 THz supportable-central-frequency-spectrum-band:{ “lower-central-frequency”:1931000000, “upper-central-frequency”:1932625000, “grid”: FLEX, “adjustment-granularity”:G_6_25GHZ } supportable-central-frequency-spectrum-band:{ “lower-central-frequency”:1931000000, “upper-central-frequency”:1932625000, “grid”: FLEX, “adjustment-granularity”:G_12_5GHZ } 6.25GHz 25GHz 50GHz 25GHz 193.1THz 193.2625 THz supportable-central-frequency-spectrum-band:{ “lower-central-frequency”:1931000000, “upper-central-frequency”:1932625000, “grid”: FLEX, “adjustment-granularity”:G_25GHZ } 6.25GHz 25GHz 50GHz 25GHz 193.1THz 193.2625 THz supportable-central-frequency-spectrum-band:{ “lower-central-frequency”:1931000000, “upper-central-frequency”:1932625000, “grid”: FLEX, “adjustment-granularity”:G_5GHZ } 6.25GHz 25GHz 50GHz 193.2625 THz 193.1THz