Agenda item 3 Progress on MAES since January and planning ahead MAES Working Group 5th meeting – 26/04/13 Agenda item 3 Progress on MAES since January and planning ahead
MAES Analytical Framework for ecosystem assessment, finalised and published, April 2013 Participation in MAES Thematic Pilots - To take note of the state of progress, discuss preliminary outcomes and planning ahead to strengthen the added value and relevance of the process MAES supporting contract workshop, 19-20 March To take note of preliminary results, next steps and synergies with pilots Nature Directors meeting, 2-3 May 2013 MAES Pilots brainstorming, 4 June 2013 (tbc) Future planning (inc. MAES High-Level event, 22 May 2014 and 2015 Mid-Term report event) - To take note of the future planning and to provide comments
MAES thematic pilots (March – September 2013) Nature 2 Agriculture 3 Forest 4 Freshwater 5 Marine 6 Natural Capital Accounting EU Lead ENV JRC EEA MS Lead LT BE SE PT FR BG EU members AGRI ESTAT MARE RTD ESTAT RTD MS members EE FI HU AT DE SK UK Stakeholders CEEweb ELO FACE Forest Europe WWF Coastwatch Oceana
MAES Pilots Background note for 6 thematic pilots, 28/01/13 Common framework for 4 ecosystem cases 4-step approach CICES Table (1) to map and assess ecosystem services provided by each ecosystem at EU and National level Support from MAES-Marine workshop, 19 June 2013 (ENV.B2, ENV.D2, JRC, EEA) Support from and input to country case-studies from MESEU contract Fifth meeting MAES WG 18 September 2013
4-step approach
CICES Table 1 reporting structure Ecosystem types Ecosystem services CICES v4.3 group† Rivers and lakes Wetlands Provisioning services Biomass [Nutrition] Biomass (Materials from plants, algae and animals for agricultural use) Water (for drinking purposes) [Nutrition] total available surface water supply per unit area (m3) (LISFLOOD model SWAT model population density and water use/demand of different sectors (m3) EUROSTAT data on water use Water (for non-drinking purposes) [Materials] Biomass (fibres and other materials from plants, algae and animals for direct use and processing) Biomass (genetic materials from all biota) Biomass based energy sources Mechanical energy (animal based)
MESEU case-studies EU Member States Austria Belgium (RW, VG) Netherlands (marine) Spain UK (Wales) Non-EU countries Switzerland Balkans (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia)
EU and global biodiversity reporting schedule End 2014 MAY 2014 EU Art.17 Report 2015 MAES Event EU Mid-Term Report MAES EU 2015 2020 2018 2016 2015 2013 2014 EEA SOER Global March 2014 SCBD GBO/IPBES Assessment 5NR Oct. 2014 CoP12 MAY 2015 MDG GBO4 Mid-Term Review Strategic Plan
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