Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video PollsRecordingMeet Now Skype Integration MS Lync 2013 Tools & Tips for facilitators… Limitations Alternatives One Note Integration
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Polls Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Whiteboard and start typing. Use whiteboard tools to stylise font, colour, size etc Digital Literacy: Developing and extending keyboard and typing skills, web2 technology and mobile device skills, use of and communication on the internet. Communicate-Collaborate: Brainstorm, note taking, groupwork, sharing of knowledge, teamwork skills. Assessment: Text based assessment tasks around planning, decision making, problem solving, reflection, participation Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Manage Content icon and pick which content you wish to share Digital Literacy: Extend & develop digital skills ; content curation, Communicate-Collaborate: Sharing of knowledge, Assessment: based assessment tasks To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the mic or video icon below the text chat – Use of video will affect bandwidth usage. Digital Literacy: Develop & extend digital skills; Communicate-Collaborate: Sharing of knowledge, demonstration, technique, reviews, Assessment: Interviews, To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Digital Literacy: Encourages use of new technology and extension of digital skills Communicate-Collaborate: Feedback, Assessment: Formative based assessment tasks To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Recording Polls Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Whiteboard and start typing. Use whiteboard tools to stylise font, colour, size etc Digital Literacy: Participation in whiteboard activities encourages use of new technology and extension of digital skills Communicate-Collaborate: Brainstorm, note taking, work on the agenda for a meeting, sharing of knowledge Assessment: Text based assessment tasks To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Meet Now Polls Recording One Note Integration Skype Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Whiteboard and start typing. Use whiteboard tools to stylise font, colour, size etc Digital Literacy: Participation in whiteboard activities encourages use of new technology and extension of digital skills Communicate-Collaborate: Brainstorm, note taking, work on the agenda for a meeting, sharing of knowledge Assessment: Text based assessment tasks To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video One Note Integration Polls Recording Meet Now Skype Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Whiteboard and start typing. Use whiteboard tools to stylise font, colour, size etc Digital Literacy: Participation in whiteboard activities encourages use of new technology and extension of digital skills Communicate-Collaborate: Brainstorm, note taking, work on the agenda for a meeting, sharing of knowledge Assessment: Text based assessment tasks To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Skype Integration Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Ease of Use: Easy to locate and implement. Simply click on the Whiteboard and start typing. Use whiteboard tools to stylise font, colour, size etc Digital Literacy: Participation in whiteboard activities encourages use of new technology and extension of digital skills Communicate-Collaborate: Brainstorm, note taking, work on the agenda for a meeting, sharing of knowledge Assessment: Text based assessment tasks To main Panel Board Click here to find out some creative classroom uses
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio Video Skype Integration Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Limitations: PC version is the most full featured. MAC users currently do not have access to the whiteboard or desktop sharing in the Client Application. Mobile Application is not as full featured as the Desktop version with its main focus being Audio and Video so like the MAC no whiteboard however can view presentation content. No breakout rooms To main Panel Board Click here to view some alternative tips & tricks Limitations Alternatives
Uses in the Classroom: To collect learners thoughts & understanding of a topic. Simple checklists for learners to tick or put their names to completed tasks. To encourage discussion and participation in a topic. Share / reflect on experiences or knowledge. Structured question and answer session. Present a problem as a role play scenario. Provide feedback. Prepare an action list. Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Uses in the Classroom: Use the chat feature to have learners provide support to one another. Application sharing; allowing learners to see and collaborate on a specific application. Colleagues working collaboratively on materials / documents etc. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Whiteboard Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Uses in the Classroom: Short video and/or audio explanations / guides help your learners remember concepts and ideas and practices. Video & Audio as learning tools reach out to large numbers of people, including those in remote areas, who can learn directly from experts without having to travel. Video combines many kinds of data (images, motion, sounds, text) have learners produce a video as a group or individual task. Use Audio or Video as a discussion focus. Use Audio or Video as a question in an assessment task. Build an emotional connection to learners through a learning activity using Audio or Video Interactive and/or Scenario based learning and assessment Have learners conduct interviews or have your class interviewed. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls 1 Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Uses in the Classroom: Collect learners thoughts & understanding of a topic. Collect Feedback. Formative learning task. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Recording 1 Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration Uses in the Classroom: Record to make missed webinars/ meetings / sessions available to learners / participants. Evidence based Assessment task. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Meet Now 1 Recording One Note Integration Skype Integration Uses in the Classroom: Use status or text chat emoticons to have participants let you know if they are having trouble, ie; use red for need assistance, green for all good, yellow for still working on it of want to put their hands up to ask a question. Homework or support group. Online webinar / Session. Collaboration with colleagues – develop and share classroom materials collaboratively Project meetings / catch ups Participants dont have to have a Lync account. Unlimited number of participants can be invited through meet now link and web app. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Content Sharing 3 Polls One Note Integration 1 Recording Meet Now Skype Integration Uses in the Classroom: Lesson content can be shared and presented from OneNote through manage content area. Set up Lesson Plans / activities in OneNote to share with learners through a webinar or online session. Save conversations and whiteboards to OneNote. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Skype Integration 1 Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Uses in the Classroom: Integration of Skype contact list Enable Skype users to reach professional contacts providing they have a Microsoft account and Skype client – widens reach. Lync-Skype connectivity removes barriers created by different devices, applications and networks so can connect seamlessly on the devices people use most. Currently only chat and audio – video features coming soon. To main panel board Limitations Alternative
Alternatives to Limitations: Use the Meet Now option for MAC users so they can participate and collaborate on using the whiteboard feature. Use text chat emoticons as a way of having learners / participants raise their had or let you know they need help. Participants can break out into other calls whilst on hold in the main meeting then come back to main meeting when finished. Whiteboard Content Sharing Audio & Video Polls Recording Meet Now One Note Integration Skype Integration To main panel board Limitations Alternative