At War With the Homeland Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress Olive Branch Petition- Letter asking King George to repeal the Intolerable Acts Olive branch stands for peace King refused and colonial army was formed Soldiers were sent to Massachusetts The Second Continental Congress
Continental Army George Washington (Virginia) would lead the army Each colony was asked to give money for the army Voted to print own paper money (Continental Currency) Second Continental Congress (new unity of 13 colonies) Continental Army
Continental Army (Cont.) Battle of Bunker Hill (Boston on June 17, 1775) Colonists drove British back twice before running out of bullets 14,500 soldiers mostly from the North Used guerrilla type of warfare (same as Indians) Soldiers were called Continentals (little training and money) Continental Army (Cont.)
Professional soldiers, newest weapons, experienced officers British also used mercenaries (hired soldiers) many were Hessians from Germany Indian allies (Indians hated the colonists for taking their land) British Advantage
British Difficulties Hard to fight a war 3,000 miles away Trouble getting supplies across the Atlantic Ocean British did have greater numbers (50,000- 100,000) Americans enlisted for one year at a time Harvest time they would go home to their farms British Difficulties